英语人>网络例句>map 相关的网络例句
与 map 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The algorithm improves performance by modified extrinsic and channel information of traditional MAP to suit additive white Class A noise.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than traditional MAP algorit...

该算法修正传统MAP算法的外部信息和信道信息计算公式,使之适应非高斯的ClassA脉冲噪声环境,从而改进了译码性能,计算机仿真证明新的译码算法在Class A噪声环境中比传统MAP算法具有更好的性能。

To build the connection among the overset grids quickly, a highly automatic and very efficient method based on Hole Map and Inverse Map is implemented.

由于前飞计算过程中,网格之间的相对位置关系随时间不断变化,为了快速建立重叠网格间的几何关系,本文发展了一种基于Hole Map和Inverse Map的十分高效的自动化算法。

Especially in providing the mobile services, It provides analysis of MAP operational quality tendency, the contrast analysis of operational quality in several days, analysis of MAP services general quality and the pandect analysis of the operational mistakes.


objective to investigate the paregoric effects of butorphanol when the errhysis occurs inside the epidural catheter during continuous epidural anesthesia.methods 60 cases of kidney stones received elective surgery.during this surgery they underwent continuous epidural anesthesia and eight cases of them showed the errhysis in the epidural catheter.then epidural injection of butorphanol was given for analgesia and hr,map,spo2 as well as muscle relaxation conditions were monitored before and 5,10,20 min after injection.the conscious and breathing of patients were also monitored.results before and 5,10,20 min after injection of butorphanol,hr and map difference were not statistically significant.the analgesic results were satisfactory.conclusion butorphanol has a definite analgesic effect when the errhysis occurs in epidural catheter during continuous epidural anesthesia.

目的 探讨在连续硬膜外麻醉中,硬膜外导管内渗血时,应用布托啡诺镇痛的效果。方法择期行肾结石手术患者60例,行连续硬膜外麻醉,其中8例硬膜外导管内渗血,均经硬膜外腔注入布托啡诺镇痛,分别监测注入前及注入后5 、10 、20 min,hr、map、spo2及肌肉松驰情况,同时监测患者神志及呼吸情况。结果注射布托啡诺前及注射后5、10、20 min,hr、map差异无统计学意义,镇痛效果满意。结论在连续硬膜外麻醉中硬膜外导管渗血时,注入布托啡诺维持麻醉镇痛效果明确。

It is safe and effective for whole blood stored in ACD and red cell suspension in MAP medium, But the contents of Rc-MAP differ from WB- ACD, Rc-MAP is worthwhile for the patients of hemorrhage and Anemia, and it ha s high development Value.


The map is indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp; each value in the map is an uninterpreted array of bytes.


Bandi,the pirate with a parrot on his shoulder,found a treasure map but he soon lost it.A schoolboy called Peter picked up the map.he knew it was a treasure map,but he didnot know where he could find the treasure.

班迪,海盗与鹦鹉他的肩膀上,发现了宝藏地图,但他很快就失去了所谓的it.A小学生彼得拿起map.he知道这是一个宝藏图, 255 ,但他知道他在哪里可以找到treasure。

It was found by means of protein fluorescence detection that the number of MAP-2 masculine neurone in the hippocamp of AD rat in model group and zinc reinforce post-AD group decreased distinctly. There was not distinct difference in the MAP-2 expression and the number of MAP-2 masculine neurone between normal group and zinc reinforce pro-AD group.


Are compared with those of national standard of MAP, the results show that the process is completely acceptable, however the proper ratio between phosphoric acid and the sludge should be paid attention.

摘 要]讨论综合利用磷酸淤浆生产MAP的可能性,介绍宏福磷矿生产的含淤浆磷酸,用其生产MAP的组成理论值和实验值,与MAP国标对比,说明利用含淤浆磷酸生产MAP完全可能。

This research program "network application system of digital map ." serving as a segment of the main program "the digital map making system map maker", which is a research subject of the general section of weapon and equipments, is based on the thoughts of software engineering, and after systematically analyzed and designed by the means of UML( unify to set up the mold language), linked with C++ in general use, are able to directly converts the map data in DXF form into data in unified and open SVG form( the flexible form that can be updated), and realizes to view and interact SVG document accordingly via the JavaScript foot script language on the web page.

本课题作为总装预研项目&全数字地图制图系统Map Maker&的一个组成部分,即数字地图网络应用子系统,它根据软件工程的思想,经UML进行系统分析和设计后,通过C++通用接口,将存储为DXF格式的地图数据文件直接地转换为统一、开放的SVG格式文件(即可升级的矢量图形格式文件),并且利用JavaScript脚本语言在网页上实现了对SVG文件的浏览和交互操作。

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Off The Map
The Loneliest Place On The Map
Map Of Tasmania
Street Map
Draw Me A Map
Map Of Scars
Off The Map
Map Of The Stars
Dart At The Map

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
