英语人>网络例句>list 相关的网络例句
与 list 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Explain the difference between a set and a list. When might you use one or the other?

解释 set 和 list 容器的差别,以及它们各自适用的情况。

List (1961), but there are two improvements in it: 1 A refrigerator (about -6℃) and a cooling flow (about -20℃) are adopted for cold environment, so the cutting operation can carry out at room temperatures; 2 For the fixture of hailstone the direct freezing by a semiconductor refri...


A List Apart singled out Flickr and Photojojofor an honorable mention in this department, and it's a lesson thatmany Web 2.0 sites put into practice.

A List Apart 功能让 Flickr 和Photojojo脱颖而出就是这方面的一个好例证,这也是许多web2.0网站付诸实施的很好一课。

A List Apart singled out Flickr and Photojojo for an honorable mention in this department, and it's a lesson that many Web 2.0 sites put into practice.

A List Apart 功能让 Flickr 和 Photojojo脱颖而出就是这方面的一个好例证,这也是许多web2.0网站付诸实施的很好一课。

This study is to translate Angst's Hypomania Check List-32 item into Chinese, and a total of 400 cases will recruited into 4 groups: bipolar I, bipolar II, unipolar depression and normal control, 100 cases in each group. Reliability and validity will be analyzed, and the cut-off scored will be established to assist the clinicians in correct diagnosis.

本研究拟翻译由Angst等人(2005)所编制的32项目轻躁症状自评量表(Hypomania Check List-32 item, HCL-32),取样单极型忧郁症患者、第一型双极症患者、第二型双极症患者与社区正常控制组各100名,进行此量表之信、效度等计量分析,并建立筛选标准值(cut-off point),以协助临床工作者对双极症患者的正确诊治。

It is possible to write much faster algorithms if the internal structure of the list can be exploited.

如果可以结合利用 list 容器的内部结构,则可能编写出更快的算法。

In this case, lst2 and lst could be the same list.

在这种情况中, lst 和 lst2 可以是同一个 list 对象。

For example, we can use find to look for a value in a list of int named lst

例如,可在一个名为 lst的 int型 list对象上,使用 find函数查找一个值

It is a symbol of pure innocence, such as (1) a white soul pure of heart,(2) wh ite wedding bride's white wedding dress; it a symbol of integrity, honesty, such as (1) a white spirit the spirit of integrity,(2) white m en noble, educated people,(3) white hand clean, honest; it is also a symbol of lucky, lucky, such as (1) one ofthe white days of sb's life, one person's life in the auspicious day,(2) whitemagic angels help solve the problem of the magic; it also has legitimate, non-malicious means, such as (1) whitemarket,(2) white list approved the legal Ming Shan,(3) a white lie , Harmless lie.

它象征纯真无邪,如(1)a white soul纯洁的心灵,(2)wh ite wedding新娘穿白礼服的婚礼;它又象征正直、诚实,如(1)a white spirit正直的精神,(2)white m en高尚、有教养的人,(3)white hand廉洁、诚实;它也象征幸运、吉利,如(1)one ofthe white days o f sb's life 某人生活中的吉日之一,( 2)whitemagic有天使相助的法术;它还有合法、无恶意的意思,如( 1) whitemarket合法市场,(2)white list经过批准的合法明单,(3)awhite lie 无害的谎言。

We then iterate through the resulting list of tuples in the outermost for loop.


第3/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
My Grown-Up Christmas List
My Grown Up Christmas List
Lonely List
Grown-Up Christmas List
Grown-Up Christmas List
My Grown-Up Christmas List
Bad List
DSL (Da Special List)
Grown-Up Christmas List
Kiss On My List

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?