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与 life 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The celebration of newness is a recurrent aspect of our political life.


Bananas suddenly flew off the shelves, there was a 70%-80% increase in weekly sales compared to the same period last year, says Takeshi Ozaki, a spokesperson of Life Corporation that runs 201 supermarkets throughout Japan.


Bananas suddenly flew off the shelves , there was a 70%-80% increase in weekly sales compared to the same period last year, says Takeshi Ozaki, a spokesperson of Life Corporation that runs 201 supermarkets throughout Japan.

与去年同期每周比较销量上升了70%-80%,一个在日本有201个连锁超市叫做LIFE CORPORATION 公司的发言人Takeshi Ozaki说。

Now,these problems are more and more frequently discussed in people's daily life.


Today about 20 percent of the collection is online; during the next few months, we will be adding the entire LIFE archive — about 10 million phot os.


About the Author/作者介绍: Tom Slayton, editor-in-chief of Vermont Life Magazine from 1986-2007, and a long-time commentator for Vermont Public Radio, has published books on various subjects related to travel, art, and literature, including Sabra Field, the Art of Place.

汤姆Slayton,Vermont Life 杂志的主编佛蒙特州,从1986年至2007年,在佛蒙特州长期担任评论员评论公共广播,曾发表各种题材的书籍,相关旅行,艺术,文学,其中包括以色列的领域,艺术的地方。

The example which will not be discussed in the text concerns the conflict between eroticism and all impersonal or supra-personal values: a genuine erotic relation between a man and a woman can be regarded,"from a certain point,""as the sole or the most royal road "to a genuine life; if someone opposes all saintliness or all goodness, all ethical or aesthetic norms, everything that is valuable from the point view of culture or of personality, in the name of genuine erotic passion, reason has to be absolutely silent.

这段话里是两个主要意思:一是,韦伯的价值相对主义使他或使我们无法或不肯分辨甘泪卿和杜十娘;二是,这种价值相对主义可能是连韦伯自己都受不了的:知识分子象木匠和屠户一样,深受社会分工和专业化之苦,以肉欲沉湎和婚外性恋来补偿,将用不着兑现为婚姻的性生活(marriage-free sexual life)与一切生命的自然之源相联系,当作回归和拯救。

"The Life and Opinion of Tristram Shandy" is the representative work of the English novelist Laurence Sterne(1713-1768) in the 18~ century.

《项狄传》(全名《绅士特里斯舛·项狄的生平和见解》The Life and Opinion of Tristram Shandy)是18世纪英国小说家劳伦斯·斯特恩(Laurence Sterne,1713—1768)的代表作。

In his book A New Science of Life Sheldrake rejected the idea that the brain is a warehouse for memories and suggested it is more like a radio receiver for tuning into the past.

在他的书"A New Science of Life"中,Sheldrake否决了大脑是记忆仓库的观点,他指出大脑更像一个调谐到过去的收音机。

Initial conversations with residents suggested that structural and political violence is an important source of suffering tht can impede meaningful engagement in social life.


第6/100页 首页 < ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... > 尾页
The Life That Could Have Been
Life Is A Party
Get Out Of My Life
Everyday Of My Life
Life Itself
Life And Life Only
Dream Life Life
I Love The Life I Live, I Live The Life I Love
Life Is Life
Life After Life

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
