英语人>网络例句>life 相关的网络例句
与 life 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To monitor state of environment control and life support system, and to diagnose faults and provide decision support in manned space flight.

西安交通大学,陕西西安710049 摘要:目的在栽人飞船飞行期间监控环境控制与生命保障系统(environment control and life support system,ECLSS)的工作状态,对故障进行诊断和决策支持。

Virtual worlds such as Second Life and Cyworld enable people to do everything from chat to get dinner and dance - virtually.

Seond Life以及Cyworld这样的网站能让人们在虚拟世界里做任何事,包括从交谈到晚餐、跳舞等。

In pastmore then 100 years,be the one of the personal brands in England imperial house, the YOUR-LIFE takes orders along the Englander careful the product development principle that tries to be practical with the technology principle of the top,with the international quality of the pure and unadulterated,delightfully fresh health,enrich in the image of the creative power.but enjoy great popularity.


It's an endless game for the finite life.



GC LIFE 可以为您做些什么?

Grecian laurel: Displays the challenge to new thing, the enthusiasm of the newthought, Value life significance

月桂树:表现出对新事物的挑战,对待新思想的热情,重视人生意义的life Style

Make the world holier and more beautiful , and the lives hereupon free and happy.and to cherish and control.all of us have the original sin of not knowing our .we forget about whichthe true importance of life.three masters we should remember[1]566 bc year,a perfect man,,who teaches the truth.

使世界神圣与更美丽,生活情景,并免费happy.and珍惜和control.all我们有原罪的,不知道我们的。我们忘却whichthe真正重要性life.three我们主人应该记住[ 1 ]公元前566年,一个完美的男人,,任教的真相。

She remains a model student, for example making detailed lists of gay slang terms and lore, but homosexuality also causes her to engage with the concrete details of life — for instance, in her evocations of gay bars in late 1940s San Francisco — in ways that her high-mindedness curtails in other areas.

我对这段的理解是,和她对生活中其他领域高度自觉性的省略相比,她对40年代晚期旧金山同志酒吧的描述却是具体的,细节化的(前文的engage with the concrete details of life

Ironically this progressive idea is inspired, she says, by some past giants of American trade unionism, above all Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who created lasting institutions such as the Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Life Insurance and Amalgamated Housin

具有讽刺意味的是,她称这种先进的想法的灵感来自于一些过世的美国工会 American trade unionism 的天才们,最突出的是美国服装工人联合会( Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America )的主席西德尼·希尔曼,他创立了一些永久性机构,比如 the Amalgamated Bank , Amalgamated Life Insurance 和 Amalgamated Housing (联合银行、联合人寿保险、联合房产)。

Ironically t his progressive idea is inspired, she says, by some past giants of American trade unionism, above all Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who created lasting institutions such as the Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Life Insurance and Amalgamated Housin g.

具有讽刺意味的是,她称这种先进的想法的灵感来自于一些过世的美国工会 American trade unionism 的天才们,最突出的是美国服装工人联合会( Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America )的主席西德尼·希尔曼,他创立了一些永久性机构,比如 the Amalgamated Bank , Amalgamated Life Insurance 和 Amalgamated Housing (联合银行、联合人寿保险、联合房产)。

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The Life That Could Have Been
Life Is A Party
Get Out Of My Life
Everyday Of My Life
Life Itself
Life And Life Only
Dream Life Life
I Love The Life I Live, I Live The Life I Love
Life Is Life
Life After Life

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
