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与 life 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He called the route he set his steps on "the Course of Empire" and what he had seen inspired him to write the book "Princes of the Black Bone: Life in Tibetan Borderland"

他称此行为"帝国之行",并在日后将旅行所见所闻、所思所想汇聚整理出版了《彝人首领》2004(Princes of the Black Bone: Life in Tibetan Borderland)1959。

My life in Bristol, I appreciate I got Yifan to go through everything with me.

我的bristol life,和艺凡的甜蜜陪伴,希望都将在以后的生活中有更加积极的影响。

A Day in the Life, for example, is by all odds the most disturbingly beautiful song the group has ever produced.

A Day in the Life无疑是披头士历来最让人不安、最美的一首歌。

They lead a cat-and-dog life,so they decided to separated

他们过着争吵不休的生活,所以他们决定分开。 a cat-and-dog life 争吵不休的生活希望对你有帮助哦

Life's just a big chewy bone for you!

Life' s您的一根大耐嚼的骨头!

Dans certains restos chinois, on a marqué chicken without sexual life dans le menu, ce qui choque aux yeux des étrangers et ils ne veulent plus manger.

有中国餐馆在菜单上写着"chicken without sexual life",叫老外看傻了眼,胃口全无。

It's like Conway's Game of Life' but with a totally different ruleset.

它类似Conway's Game of Life',但也完全不同于规则集。

Second Life is in the United States very fire, and his Chinese copyist, however the standard with same short of; Yahoo is in the United States very successful, but went to China to connect Mai Cheng however.

Second Life在美国很火,而他的中国模拟者,却达不到同样的水平;雅虎在美国很成功,但到了中国却连走麦城。

Went to Montreal for CUSEC and sat though many lectures, caught a cold, parents came and went, the bus resumes, got TwoKinds Book One in the mail, won a prize in Second Life valentine event (b-but I'm single), reading week, mid-terms, brought a Wii but have no time to play (and there's no cable TV signal…), all these things are so easy to forget without writing them down.

去蒙特利尔参加了 CUSEC 听了不少演讲,得了感冒,父母来了又走,公交恢复,收到了TwoKinds 第一卷,Second Life 情人节寻宝活动得奖,阅读周,期中考试,买来了 Wii 却没有玩,这些事情,不记下来的话真的很容易忘掉呢。

Intelligent, subtle and thought provoking… please post your thoughts and reviews for debutant director Momoko Ando's 'Kakera- A Piece of our Life '.

独特见解的,捉摸不透的,激发人想像的…请将你的想法和对导演安腾桃子处女电影秀'Kakera- A Piece of our Life'的电影回顾贴上来。

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The Life That Could Have Been
Life Is A Party
Get Out Of My Life
Everyday Of My Life
Life Itself
Life And Life Only
Dream Life Life
I Love The Life I Live, I Live The Life I Love
Life Is Life
Life After Life

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
