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Following a lead role in 1983's Valley Girl, Cage spent the remainder of the decade playing endearingly bizarre and disreputable men, most notably in Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), Raising Arizona (1987), and the same year's Moonstruck, the last of which won him a Golden Globe nomination and a legion of female fans ecstatic over the actor's unconventional romantic appeal.

接下去,他于1983年领衔主演了Valley Girl,在后来的十年里,凯奇饰演了一些惹人喜爱的,奇异的,却又声名狼藉的角色,其中最有名的是Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), Raising Arizona (1987),以及同年上演的Moonstruck,该片获得了金球奖提名,并令众多女影迷对他不同寻常的极富浪漫的吸引力感到欣喜若狂。

It was that of a man, from five to eight and thirty, in the uniform of a general officer, wearing the double epaulet of heavy bullion, that indicates superior rank, the ribbon of the Legion of Honor around his neck, which showed he was a commander, and on the right breast, the star of a grand officer of the order of the Saviour, and on the left that of the grand cross of Charles III., which proved that the person represented by the picture had served in the wars of Greece and Spain, or, what was just the same thing as regarded decorations, had fulfilled some diplomatic mission in the two countries.


Just as a general egg cell differentiates through epigenesis to become a legion of specialized cells, so in evolution animals and plants split up into varieties more dependent on narrower niches.


Arc Legion-Causes forks of electricity to erupt from an Evoker's Focus device.


Regardless of their connection to fel energies, however, it is believed that this new breed is not working with the Burning Legion.


He was dressed in a blue frock -coat, buttoned up to the chin, and wore at his button-HOLE the rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor


The legion disappears from the sources after 219, when their commander, Gellius Maximus, rebelled against Elagabalus and proclaimed himself emperor, only to be defeated by Elagabalus.

219年以后,该军团在史料上一度消失。当时军团指挥官Gellius Maximus起兵反抗皇帝Elagabalus,并自称皇帝,结果被镇压下去。

In AD 43, the legion was transferred to Germania Superior, to replace XIV Gemina as the garrison of Moguntiacum.


Along with XXII Primigenia, the legion supported Vitellius, governor of Germania Superior, in the year of the four emperors (69), first against Otho, then Vespasian, who would become emperor in the end.


"Beau Geste" that I couldn't help but wonder whether Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and their pals from the French Foreign Legion were about to ride up on their camels.

Cooper,Ray Milland和他们的法国外籍志愿军兄弟们是不是在这里骑上了他们的骆驼开始了他们的探险之旅。

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NJ Legion Iced Tea
The Blood Legion
Breitish Legion
Legion (Janus)
Legion (Anachron)
Legion (Live)

Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
