英语人>网络例句>kill 相关的网络例句
与 kill 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cornelia could have had her pick when she was young.. Even yet she's only to say the word to see the old widowers jump.3.He's been lying on the sofa in that office ever since I came, laughing fit to kill over what I've been saying.

知道了to laugh over是个词组以后,我们就可以知道其中插入的词组fit to kill也应该是个固定搭配,查找词典中fit词条,在释义后面的词组部分可以找到fit to kill的意义为"极度地、大大地"。

According to pet fur features to a variety of imported raw materials, and in particular to add advanced international eliminate mites kill ticks prescription-avermectin, the effective elimination of various Ectoparasite prevent mites, ticks infections of the skin and eliminate mites kill ticks excellent results.

灭螨杀蜱Eliminate mites kill ticks 根据宠物皮毛特点,选用多种进口原料,并特别添加国际先进灭螨杀蜱配方—阿维菌素,能有效灭除各种体外寄生虫,防止螨、蜱引起的皮肤感染,灭螨杀蜱效果极佳。

According to pet fur features to a variety of imported raw materials, and add advanced international eliminate fleas ticks except prescription-Ivermectin, the effective elimination of various Ectoparasite prevent fleas ticks up to cause skin infections and eliminate fleas kill ticks excellent results.

灭蚤杀虱Eliminate fleas kill lice 根据宠物皮毛特点,选用多种进口原料,并添加国际先进的灭蚤除虱配方—伊维菌素,能有效灭除各种体外寄生虫,防止蚤虱引起皮肤感染,灭蚤杀虱效果极佳。

The genus name "Helleborus" is from the Greek word "helein"—"to kill".

Helleborus这个种类是来自希腊词语中的helein -to kill。

The kill command is also useful if you wish to recompile and relink your program, since on many systems it is impossible to modify an executable file while it is running in a process.

由於在许多系统上不允许修改一个正在运行的可执行文件, kill 命令在你想要重编译和重连接你的程式也有用。

The kill command is also useful if you wish to recompile and relink your program, since on many systems it is impossible to modify an executable file while it is running in a process.


The 35 year-old 300 star will make her directorial debut on Kill Drug , a dark thriller about an underground society dedicated to murdering society's ingrates, nincompoops and scallywags.

这位35岁的300勇士中的明星将在《Kill Drug》的拍摄中开始自己的导演处女秀,一个黑暗惊悚故事,讲述一个致力于消灭组织叛徒、傻子和流氓的地下组织的事。

Joe Chestnut from California inhaled 66 hotdogs in 12 minters, sure win pass six times winner to kill Kobayashhi from Japan.

从加利福尼亚来的Joe Chestnut 在12分钟内吃下66个热狗,超过从日本来的6次冠军kill Kobayashhi,奠定了胜局。

You can use the "process killer", IceSword,"eyes shining willow","System View Master", Kill process tools such as software to turn off the "Task Manager" can not close the process.

你可以使用&进程杀手&、IceSword、&柳叶擦眼&、&系统查看大师&、Kill process等工具软件来关闭&任务管理器&关闭不掉的进程。

They resisted by "evasion, sabotage, suicide, or running away." There were also slave revolts - in 1800 in a march on Richmond; 1811 on a plantation near New Orleans; 1817 and 1818 in Florida; and Nat Turner and 70 other slaves in Virginia "kill all whites" and sparing no one.

他们抵制&逃税行为,破坏,自杀,或离家出走&,也有奴隶起义-在1 800年在3月就里士满; 1 811年就种植园附近的新纽奥良; 1 817年和1 818年在佛罗里达州;和N AT特纳和7 0个其他的奴隶在维吉尼亚州的& kill所有白人&,并不遗余力地之一。

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Kill Me
Kill The Pain
120 Ways To Kill You: An Illustrated Children's Book
Somebody Kill Me
You Can Kill The Protestor, But You Can't Kill The Protest
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
Kill Kill
Kiss Kiss Kill Kill
Kill, Kill, Kill
Kill You Before You Kill Me

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
