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But I can't help but see this kerfuffle as evidence of either the beginning of the end of all that's good in the world or (pause for sip of Obama-flavored Kool-Aid) the return of power-to-the-people engagement.


This week, apparently undented by the gay-pride kerfuffle, business was brisk


In the presidential election there was a kerfuffle over claims that the wife of Boediono, Mr Yudhoyono's running-mate, was a Christian.


Titled "Jasper and Abby and the Great Australia Day Kerfuffle", the book follows Rudd's pet cat and dog on an adventure through the grounds of The Lodge, his family's official residence in the capital, Canberra.


Titled "Jasper and Abby and the Great Australia Day Kerfuffle", the book follows Rudds pet cat and dog on an adventure through the grounds of The Lodge, his familys official residence in the capital, Canberra.


Such achievements should have brought lasting fame – but, as Farmelo illustrates, Dirac made things difficult for those wanting to lionise him. When he arrived to collect the Nobel Prize in 1933, there was a marvellous kerfuffle. He and his mother sat quietly in the station's waiting room, failing to realise that the host of – increasingly alarmed – grandees lined up along the platform were there as his welcoming committee.


Titled"Jasper and Abby and the Great Australia Day Kerfuffle", the bookfollows Rudd's pet cat and dog on an adventure through the grounds ofThe Lodge, his family's official residence in the capital, Canberra.


In another sign of the times, Warren Buffett, who has long prophesied the dollar's decline, was at the center of a dollar kerfuffle recently when CNBC, the business network, quoted him as saying the dollar was destined to become 'worthless.


The latter include the embarrassing withdrawal of a poorly vetted Governor Bill Richardson from his attempt to become commerce secretary, a kerfuffle over the appointment of the new CIA head (who has no experience of intelligence work) and the latest glitch, surrounding the tax affairs of the treasury secretary-designate, Tim Geithner.


I didn't take too kindly to this after all the kerfuffle on the first day.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
