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与 imperialism 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was shown from the facts that neither supercilious nor obsequious, just and forceful, baving the sense of duty of nation on which he was concerned about his country and people and afraid of no hardships and dangers, Zuo Zong-tang, at one fell swoop,recovered our territory-Xinjiang, whic had been occupied by the imperialism of Tsarist Russia, in national calami...


All this is being used by the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards to prepare the way for capitulating to Japanese imperialism, breaking up the united front and dragging China backwards.


It could have turned out to be a "Disneyesque" melodrama sickeningly condescending in its portrayal of the villagers. Conversely, it could have been a lugubrious nationalist "epic," turning the villagers into puppet Victims of American Imperialism, climaxing with interminable shots of the Korean soldiers mowing down American paratroopers with machine guns, blood and guts splurging in slow motion. It could have been one of those "message" films in which the soldiers learn the true meaning of Peace by being assimilated into a Korean Shangri-la, its characters breaking out into song-and-dance numbers in between sage exchanges dispensing fortune-cookie "Eastern" wisdoms.


It's a sort of neo-imperialism desired by the countries to be colonized.


Before colonizing the system to disintegrate, the traditional transnational bank is nearly national subsidiary body of imperialism.


There he will be greeted by a rally against "imperialism", by which is meant him personally, the Iraq war and the Free Trade Area of the Americas which he espouses.


China and South Korea have excoriated Japan over its approval of new school books which they say whitewash the atrocities committed during Japanese occupation, and anti-Japanese protests have been held in Chinese cities. The lingering bitterness over Japan's past imperialism still threatens to mar relations between the big East Asian powers


Frightened out of his wits by this fact, Wang Ching-wei, the political representative of the pro-Japanese faction of the Chinese big bourgeoisie, grovels before Japan and concludes a traitorous pact, betraying China to Japanese imperialism.


Frightened out of his wits by this fact , Wang Ching wei , the political representative of the pro Japanese faction of the Chinese big bourgeoisie , grovels before Japan and concludes atraitorous pact , betraying China to Japanese imperialism .


Apocalypse Now similarly indicts the American presence during the war in Vietnam, which is seen by its critics as yet another version of western imperialism.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
