英语人>网络例句>huge 相关的网络例句
与 huge 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even Simon could see the way the old duke glowered at Skali Sharp-nose, and how his huge, gnarled hands plucked distractedly at the fringe of his bear-skin tunic.


Comrade Deng Xiaoping puts forward " capitalist also in a planned way ", right long-term the doctrinairism viewpoint since is a huge impact.


If you dodge/ parry it, you are at a huge advantage.


It includes the following pictures——the huge dragon puffing away, a fierce tiger dashing down a mountain, a jade hare holding up its head, Chang'E fluttering in the moon, the bull-Devil leaving its cave-dwelling, the Monkey King leaving its mountain, man and ape playing with dog, carp jumping in a pool, cat going angling, large mouse patrolling a mountain, a heavenly horse soaring across the sky and so on.


At that hole there is a huge incentive to carry the bunker at the corner of the dogleg but there is an abundance of room for those who want to keep well away to the right.

皇家墨尔本 West 高尔夫球场的第十洞在狗腿拐弯处对沙坑射程有一个巨大的推动作用,但是对那些想要保持在远离右边的人,有足够的空间。

Dollar bloc countries have slavishly mimicked expansionary US monetary policy, even in regions such as the Middle East, where rapid growth is putting huge upward pressure on inflation.


In offering Zimbabwe such a huge dollop of credit, China is signalling that it is in the country to stay.


They lived as farmers and artisans, producing fine pottery, metal implements, obsidian, huge dolmen and megalithic circles such as that found in Stonehenge and Avebury.


They ought of the sky as a huge dome made of some sort of material.

他们 认为天空是一个巨大的圆顶,由某一种材料制成。

Ten years, we are committed to become the domestic first-class circuit board manufacturing enterprises and make unremitting efforts, adhering to the "Sincerity-oriented, science and technology businesses," the concept of corporate management, by virtue of a strong, forward-looking decision-making, spending huge sums from abroad, the introduction of advanced production and testing equipment, professional production of high-precision single-sided, double-sided, multi-layer circuit boards, product by users at home, on many occasions both at home and abroad well-known machine manufacturers qualified as advanced supply-side .


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Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair
She's So Huge
One Huge Road
Black And Huge
I Am A Huge Fan Of Bad Religion

He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
