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与 honeybee 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Honeybee is not only an economic insect with agelong breeding history hut also a model animal with great value in theoretical research field , whereas the study on honeybee tansgenesis is relatively undeveloped .


Honeybee colony collapse disorder is characterized by the mass loss of honeybee workers. Only the queen, her brood, a small number of newly emerged workers and the food stores are left behind in the hive, with only a few dead bees in the affected hive or apiary.

蜂群衰竭失调症(colony collapse disorder,简称CCD)的特徵是造成西洋蜂羣之外勤工蜂大的消失,巢内只残蜂王、、刚化之工蜂和一些储存的食物,且在蜂巢内及养蜂场附近未有大死亡之尸体。

The honeybee various types interview flowers and the mouth apparatus length has the close relation: For example the digger wasp branch, the bee branch, is divided the flowers which the tongue bee branch and so on the mouth apparatus short type interview rose families, the mustard family, the umbelliferae, the buttercup branch opens; But leaf-cutter branch, strip bee branch and honeybee branch type because the mouth apparatus are long, then interview leguminosae, orthodon and so on deep floral tube flowers.


As for Italian honeybee, a 76kD protein of queen 's mandibular gland, a 54kD protein of forager's, and a 27kD protein of drone's were different to those counterparts of Chinese honeybee, which were 74, 36 and 48kD respectively.


Honeybee, honeybee, what can you do?


The result indicates that honeybee is the most ideal pollinator, and honeybee industry has played a vital role in maintenance of environment development and protection of ecological equilibrium.


The enzyme hydrolyzation technology of honeybee pupa protein and strengthening effect of honeybee pupa drink for mice were studied in this test.


In the artificial rearing larval honeybee method, 1-day-old larvae were reared in laboratory and 0.1 - 100 ppm pyriproxyfen was added in larval food. A dose respondent effect was found in the larval development of the treated larvae. Results showed that 0.1 ppm pyriproxyfen reduced the eclosion rate of the reared larvae conspicuously, and 1 ppm pyriproxyfen reduced that 84.6% of eclosion honeybee appeared the condition of deformed wings. The 10 ppm pyriproxyfen treatment caused 53.8% melanic death in the pupal stage, and no honeybees succeed in eclosion.

在室内饲养幼虫方面,分别添加0.1-100 ppm百利普芬於幼虫食物中,结果显示0.1 ppm百利普芬即会显著降低饲养幼虫的羽化率,而且添加1 ppm百利普芬会有84.6%羽化蜜蜂出现残翅现象;添加10 ppm百利普芬则会造成53.8%蜜蜂在蛹期黑化而死亡,而且无蜜蜂羽化成功;100 ppm百利普芬则有50%蜜蜂在幼虫期死亡,50%蜜蜂在蛹期死亡,亦无蜜蜂成功羽化。

In theory, the infection of midgut cells with viral pathogens or microsporidia leads to malnutrition of the honeybee, and the parasitism of the varroa mites weakens or suppresses the immunity system of the honeybee, and this could be the reason why CCD honeybees lose their navigation ability.


Toxicities of fenoxycarb on quail,honeybee and carp have been tested and its safety evaluation also been conducted. The results showed that:①the toxicity of fenoxycarb on quail and honeybee is low, quail LD50 is 6823.4mg/kg feed and bee LD50(contact 24h) 54.1μg/bee, LC50 (oral 24h)549.5mg/L.

测定了苯氧威对3种环境生物鹌鹑、蜜蜂和鱼的毒性,试验结果表明:苯氧威对鹌鹑、蜜蜂均属低毒,其半致死浓度或剂量鹌鹑LD50 为6823.4mg/kg饲料;蜜蜂的接触毒性LD50(24h)为54.1μg/蜂,摄入毒性LC50(24h)为549.5mg/L药液;苯氧威对鲤鱼的毒性属中等毒,其LC50(96h)为1.77mg/L。

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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
