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与 great-grandparents 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A lively account of the development of theories about nanotechnology can be found in Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition (1990) by Ed Regis.

关于纳米技术理论发展的生动描述可以在里吉斯编辑的《伟大的曼博小鸡和无限环境》(Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition,1990)中找到。

Tigrans,Nomad,Yaka不需要翻译 Tigran - The newest race on the Blessed Continent these savage hunters employ the powers of the great cats to stalk their foes.

不要相信前面那些翻译,糊弄事的,很多都不通顺。 Tigran-Blessed Continent(字面义为&天佑的大陆&)上最年轻的种族。这群凶残的猎手依靠the great cats的力量潜步跟踪它们的仇敌。

Similarly, I chose the word 'great' rather than 'vast' because the former alliterates with 'facing'.


Should they succeed in overthrowing a government it is game over, as Great Cthulhu awakens.

如果他们成功的推翻了一个政府,游戏就结束了,伴随着Great Cthulhu的觉醒

We got an off-the-shelf mortgage from the Standard Chartered Bank branch in town, plunked down 25% of the purchase price, and bought ourselves a piece of the Great Chinese Dream.

我们用镇上的Standard Chartered 银行支行提供的贷款,付了25%的首付,为我们自己买下了a piece of Great Chinese Dream。

When you think a kid choosed to have another try instead of dropping out, and when you think a kid walked away from the drug seller, and you think that all this is partly owed to you, you will feel great.

主干部分是it is a great feeling, it是形式主语,to think 直到句末是动词不定式短语,是真正的主语。to think 后跟了一个宾语从句,reason后跟了两个并列的定语从句,省关系代词why。

Jonathan wild, the Great, the history of Tom Jones, a foundling, and Amelia, the author tries to analyze and appreciate the theory and the artistic form of Henry fieldings novels, expecting a deeper insight of his theory and a better understanding of his works.

本文采用文本细读法,试从亨利·菲尔丁的《约瑟夫·安德鲁传》(The history of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,1742)、《大伟人江奈生·魏尔德传》(The life of Mr·Jonathan wild,the Great,1743)、《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》(The history of Tom Jones,a foundling,1749)、和《阿米莉娅》(Amelia,1751)这四部作品入手,对菲尔丁的小说理论和小说艺术进行分析和评价,以期更深入地了解菲尔丁小说理论和更好地把握他的小说。

Already, there are some iPad lookalikes on the market, including something called the P88 made by a Chinese company called Shenzhen Great Loong Brother Industrial, which has a slightly larger screen and more disk space (though it should be noted the iPad's charms lie largely in its software, so the devices are hardly comparable).

市面上已经有了一些像iPad的东西,包括一家名为深圳巨龙兄弟实业有限公司(Shenzhen Great Loong Brother Industrial)的中国公司生产的一款屏幕更宽、硬盘空间更大的&P88&(不过值得注意的是,iPad的魅力很大程度上在于它的软件,所以两款机器难作比较)。

Since the map is for 'mischief making', there would be no need to know who was in the Great Hall or the common rooms.

因为这张地图是用来&捣蛋&的,所以也就没有必要知道谁在Great Hall,或是谁在公共休息室里。

As the wombats died, they turned into hills which are now the Great Dividing Range.

袋熊死去的身体则变成了山,就是如今的Great Dividing Range。

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Great Man
Great Is The Chorus
Great Bright Morning
Be Great
The Great Disappointment
The Great Disappointment (Demo Version)
Our Great God
Great God Great Praise
Great Nachos, Great Price
Great Great God

Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
