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与 grade 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Tokyo classification, 14 cases were having grade Ⅲ esophagitis, and 20 were grade Ⅳ.


The additional score guidance of instrument usage was put forward firstly in 2001 and quantitative index was constituted in grade rule of international eurythmics in 2003. The new idea of grade reflects the re-understanding of the development of instrument in eurythmics.


The main products:cupro high gradepolyester twill lining material,100%viscose lining rayon jacquard weave lining,top grade taff,rayon color weave lining,cuprammonim process yarn color weave cuff,nylon-silk spinning, imported goose flesh woolen,wovenlining,non-woven lining,top quality hair interlining,top grade collar soffit lining,high gradefashions pocket cloth,top of trousers lining,shoulder pads,needle exanimate hooks,waistline adjuster and others.

品种:宾霸cupro、高档涤纶里料,人丝里料、全粘胶里料(100%viscose lining),人丝大提花里料、塔夫、色织里料、铜氨丝色织袖里,尼丝纺,进口鸡皮绒,有纺衬、无纺衬、高档黑炭衬。高档领底呢、领底衬、高档兜布、裤腰衬,箱包面料,过检针四件扣,腰围调节扣等西服辅料。为满足客户一站式采购的方便,公司推出了西服辅料配套服务。

Exposure meter energy 300-600mj /cm2 , effective UV wavelength from lamp : 300-500nm , 21grade exposure ruler limits 9-12 grade (11 grade is the best one).

曝光机能量300-600mj/cm2,灯源有效 UV 波长300-500nm ,21级曝光尺9-12级

Every story included an emotion expresser and an emotion recipient.In experiment 3, 59 subjects (18 pupils in grade2, 21 pupils in grade 4 and 20 pupils in grade 6) were randomly drawn out. In this experiment 80 couples of emotional words were used.

随机抽取60名小学儿童(2、 4、 6年级各20名)研究他们对情绪状态的识别、情绪原因的认知、情绪外在行为表现的认知以及对情绪的后继调节方式的认知发展特点。

Positive self conscious emotion cognition develops fast from grade 2 to grade 4. Passive self conscious emotion cognition develops slower than the positive one.5 Primary school children"s knowledge about the reason of emotion and knowledge about behaviors of emotion develop fast with the age increased at primary school period.6 Pupils" emotion cognition to the emotion expresser is better than that to the emotion recipient apparently.

积极自我意识情绪认知在2~4年级间有明显发展,发生了"能与不能"质的转变;消极自我意识情绪的认知发展慢于积极自我意识情绪的认知。5 对情绪原因和情绪行为的认知在年级间差异显著,说明其在小学阶段有明显发展。6 对情绪表现者的情绪认知明显好于对情绪接受者的情绪认知。

This time, with even more forward-looking idea, South Beauty aims at the high grade food service market in Shanghai and launched to the market two restaurants with different orientations. South Beauty Chef's style restaurant aims at high-end consumers from China and foreign countries, and will take its high-grade Chinese cuisine as its competitive products. South Beauty Steam restaurant will aim at high-and-mid-end consumers with its rich fashionability, healthiness, abundance and exquisiteness.


With the feed mill companies, investment 15 million yuan, covers an area of 40 mu, professional production of "new farmers card" Pig with high-grade teaching materials trough, pig feed, and its high-grade teaching materials trough sales in the country ranks first among the major feed mill .


The results of tests for production of 400?MPa-grade vanadium bearing concrete steel(Ⅲ-grade 20?MnSiV concrete steel)using VN alloying and ferrovanadium alloying were introduced.

介绍了攀钢采用氮化钒合金化与钒铁合金化生产 40 0MPa级含钒钢筋(2 0MnSiVⅢ级钢筋)的对比试验结果,研究了钒、氮微合金化对钢筋的性能和组织的影响,探讨了氮化钒的强化机理,比较了使用两种合金的生产成本。

In the radical grade, Chinese character are divided into relativity independed ones, And position between radicals can help to recognize character, at same time, stroke combinations can be restricted by the stroke grade because the relativity fixedness in one character stroke combinition ,and this fixedness can help to reject disturbed radicals.


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Eighth Grade Summer Romance
Grade 9
Smoke Some High Grade
4th Grade Dropout
Grade 8
Grade 8 (Acoustic)
Seventh Grade Dance
10th Grade Love

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
