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与 gaston 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wilbur's friendly mother Franny who teaches frogs to sing and play musical instruments; The family's squid-like butler Lefty; Bud's wife Lucille, who is fond of dancing; Bud's brother Uncle Fritz and his "wife", a hand puppet called Aunt Petunia; Tallulah and Laszlo, who are Uncle Fritz and Aunt Petunia's children; Bud's brother Uncle Joe and his wife Aunt Billie Kellie M.

这个家子的男管家, Lefty,却长得像鱿鱼一样;还有就是巴德的兄弟,弗里茨叔叔,把一个叫矮牵牛阿姨的布偶娃娃唤作老婆;而弗里茨叔叔和矮牵牛阿姨的孩子却是塔露和拉兹洛;这个家族还有巴德的兄弟乔伊叔叔和乔伊叔叔的老婆比莉姑姑;至于双胞胎 spike 和 dimitri 叔叔,他们跟这个家族的关系却不得而知;还有 franny 的兄弟, gaston 叔叔,是个鲁莽蛮勇的人。

They were delivered to students, faculty, supporters, and good press coverage in beautiful, old, wood-paneled Gaston Hall, in the Healy Building. On October 23, the topic was responsibility and community; on November 20, economic opportunity; on December 12, national security.


That's when my father went to the fair, said Gaston Hochar, holding a glass of 1991 Chateau Musar red against his cellar's dim light.


Gaston:I'm especially good at expectorating!


Gaston Monescu: It must be the most marvelous supper. We may not eat it, but it must be marvelous.


Lefou:Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston.


Officials at Crowders Mountain State Park conducted the burn of more than 500 acres on Kings Pinnacle near the Gaston and Cleveland County line to clear out decades of forest refuse like leaf litter and downed trees, and to assist certain species of plants like bear oak that need fire to germinate.


Lily Vautier: Darling, remember, you are Gaston Monescu.


The unhappiest thing : Gaston dosen't like the perfume I bought for him.


Marguerite, with on hand resting on the piano, looked at the score, her eyes following each note which she accompanied in a soft singing voice and, when Gaston reached the passage which she had mentioned, she hummed it and played it with her fingers on the back of the ''.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
