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与 first 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We indicate that when wavelength number is larger than 16, even 8, all of the networks show good small blocking performance. Further, we discuss different aspects that affecting blocking, including routing, wavelength number, wavelength assignment, wavelength conversion, multi-fiber and network connectivity. We find out that increasing wavelength or implementing multi-fiber can reduce blocking dramatically while in light loads (<0.4Er), fixed alternate routing or First Fit wavelength assignment can improve the performance to some extent.

为了进一步获得更优的阻塞特性,研究比较了影响阻塞率的几个重要方面,包括路由(固定路由与固定可选路由)、波长数与波长分配算法、波长变换与多光纤、网络连接度,结果表明阻塞特性通过增加波长或采用多光纤可以得到明显的改善,在负载较轻时(<0.4Er),改用可选路由方式或First Fit波长分配算法也可以一定程度地改善阻塞率,但是这种改善受网络连接度和波长数的影响比较明显。

YANG SHAOBIN is published by DUMONT on the occasion of the exhibition Yang Shaobin: First Steps Last Words in the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand. The book features a selection of his most important paintings from 1996-2009, and it is the first comprehensive monograph (a.o. in German language) of this widely debated painter.

结合中国艺术家杨少斌今年在圣保罗艺术博物馆举办的展览《杨少斌:First Steps Last Words》,国际出版社DUMONT出版了画册《杨少斌》,本书特别挑选了艺术家在1996年至2009年中最重要的油画作品,全面介绍了这位广受争论的艺术家。

Three minutes later, it spiraled nose-first into the Rockaway Beach section of Queens - a middle-class neighborhood, 15 miles from Manhattan.

这里"spiral nose-first"很形象地描绘出当时飞机头朝下,盘旋坠落的情景。Spiral的意思是"盘旋向下",nose-first顾名思义就是"鼻子在前"了。

Currently the TinyOS task scheduling is based on first comcfirst-served non-preempting strategy, which is not able to give emergency tasks quick response, and throughput of nodes is lower. To address this issue, this paper proposed a preempting algorithm, HRRF ( Highest Response-Ratio First) Algorithm.

针对传感器网络操作系统I}inyOS采用非剥夺的先来先服务调度策略,系统紧急任务不能得到及时响应及节点吞吐量下降的情况,提出了一种可抢占HRRF(Highest Response-Ratio First)作业调度策略。

That's because in this country it's "ladies first," so now you should be first in becoming enlightened and first in certifying to the fruitions.

比丘尼更不可落人后,因为在这个国家 ladies first(女士第一,你们现在要开悟 first,要证果 first 第一)。

Three minutes later, it spiraled nose-first into the Rockaway Beach section of Queens - a middle-class neighborhood, 15 miles from Manhattan.

这里&spiral nose-first&很形象地描绘出当时飞机头朝下,盘旋坠落的情景。Spiral的意思是&盘旋向下&,nose-first顾名思义就是&鼻子在前&了。

Such as: Love at First Sight "love at first sight"; Ghost "Ghost"; Star Wars "Star Wars."

Love at First Sight 《一见钟情》;Ghost《人鬼情未了》;Star Wars《星球大战》。

Quite honestly it's rare that factories nail a shoe the first time out during the development process, but in the case of the First Class, the factory nailed the shoe spot on from a design point of view.

老实说,工厂在制作的过程中第一次就能完整的做出鞋来是很少见的,但对于FIRST CLASS来说,工厂在制作鞋的过程中都完全根据我们的设计要点来的。

Long time hasn't written, sorry about that I was in Singapore for the past week. I was a jury for Asia 's First Film Festival. Watched lots of good film, got really inspired, there are so many good film makers I'm so happy I got to see them first. Just one very unfortunate issue popped up while I was gone. My eldest boy, Uni. Beautiful brown Shizu was seriously ill, he had acute kidney failure. He is better and out of the hospital now, we are trying our best to give him the quality of life right now. I just don't want to go out, wanna stay home with him all the time. But we have to finish the rest of the album and hand everything in before Christmas. Sorry about no writing again.

很久没有写博客了,对不起,我上星期於星加坡为 Asia's First Film Festival 当评审,看了很多好电影,很有启发性,还有很多电影制作人,很高兴能跟他们见面,当我不在港时,有一件很不幸的发生,我最大年纪的孩子– Uni 美丽的棕色西施得了重病,他患了急性肾衰竭,他现在已好多了,亦已经出院,我们现在尽我们所能去给他优质的生活,我不想外出,只想留在家中跟他在一起,但我必须要完成国语专辑的余下工作及於圣诞前交出所有东西,对不起啊,很久没有写博客。

As a result, Ms D'Addario claims she was demoted and became a candidate in local elections for Puglia First of All, a regional party linked to Mr Berlusconi's People of Liberty.

达达里奥声称,自己因此遭到降级,成为代表Puglia First of All参与地方选举的一名候选人。Puglia First of All是一个地区性政党,与贝卢斯科尼领导的自由人民党有关联。

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Be The First To Believe
My First Ride
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The First Noel
Love At First Feel
First Blood
First Things First
First Things First
First Come, First Serve
First Things First

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
