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The words Shanghai 2010 are echoed in Chinese ideograms, evoking the close partnerships that link Europe and China.


Mr Howard, leader of what used to be an explicitly pan-British party that now exists mostly in England, appeals to that sense of grievance by evoking "the forgotten majority".


Phylogenetic tree reconstruction showed PmSERK1 and other key SERK genes involved in evoking somatic embryogenesis such as MtSERK1, CuSERK1, AtSERK1, and DcSERK, were classified to one cluster.


For this century's Belle Epoque, the art photographer conceived a sequence, divided into four acts, which retraces the champagnemaking process, evoking along the way the white-flower aromas characteristic of this prestigious cuvée's wine style.

为了这款跨越百年的Belle Epoque&花样年华&,摄影师构思了由4个独立艺术品组成的画作。通过艺术,浪漫地演绎酿制香槟的过程,并唤起这尊贵&花样年华&香槟满溢白花芬芳馥香的味道。

It is a literary feast, brilliantly evoking the exuberant mood of Paris after World War I and the youthful spirit, unbridled creativity, and unquenchable enthusiasm that Hemingway himself epitomized.


So shall a woman who has decided on a sapphire go for the medium blue stone evoking the summer skies even on a rainy day?

如此决 定青玉的妇女将向这块中等蓝色石头求助召唤夏天天空在一多雨天吗?

The choreography reflects this cycle. The riverwoman dances alone, her soft-shoe dance evoking the flow of the river. As she crosses the land, the earth, represented by the male dancer, awakens and bursts forth onto the stage. As the strength of the river builds, so dancers gather, signifying new life and energy, until the full Riverdance line swells to fill the stage as the river meets the sea. Then earth and river dance in harmony, as the water of life renews the land.


An internal lift shaft at the core of the atrium is painted with a chequerboard pattern, evoking the moon rocket in one of Tintin's bestselling adventures.


An internal lift shaft at the core of the atrium is painted with a chequerboard pattern, evoking the moon rocket in one of Tintin's bestselling adventures.


An internal lift shaft at the core of the atrium ispainted with a chequerboard pattern, evoking the moon rocket in one ofTintin's bestselling adventures.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
