英语人>网络例句>escheat 相关的网络例句

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与 escheat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Escheat Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants .


C Non citizen missionary, educational and other benevolent institutions shall have the right to own property, as long as that property is used for the purposes for which acquired; property no longer so used shall escheat to the Republic .

c 非共和国公民的传教士、教育及其他慈善机构对自己拥有的财产享有权利,只要他们按照要求的目的使用财产;当他们不再按照要求的目的使用财产的时候,他们拥有的财产收归共和国。

Escheat laws clearly lay down the compani es and financial institutions must turn over money as unclaimed money if it fulfils certain conditions .


B All real property held by a person whose certificate of naturalization has been cancelled shall escheat to the Republic, unless such person shall have a spouse and/or lineal heirs who are Liberian citizens, in which case the real property shall be transferred to them in accordance with the intestacy law.

b 不动产的所有人的入籍证书被取消的,其所拥有的不动产收归共和国,除非他有利比里亚籍的配偶或直系继承人,在这种情况下,不动产将根据法定继承转移给他的利比里亚籍的配偶或直系继承人。

If a man holds lands of any 'escheat' such as the 'honour' ofWallingford, Nottingham, Boulogne, Lancaster, or of other 'escheats' inour hand that are baronies, at his death his heir shall give us onlythe 'relief' and service that he would have made to the baron, had thebarony been in the baron's hand.


Torian possessors of an estate are not excluded under the provisions of the Lex Julia , by which estat es which have no heirs are ordered to escheat to the government , if the deceased left no successor of any kind .


But as, under civilized governments which are calculated for the peace of mankind, such a constitution would be productive of endless disturbances, the universal law of almost every nation (which is a kind of secondary law of nature) has either given the dying person a power of continuing his property, by disposing of his possessions by will; or, in case he neglects to dispose of it, or is not permitted to make any disposition at all, the municipal law of the country then steps in, and declares who shall be the successor, representative, or heir of the deceased; that is, who alone shall have a right to enter upon this vacant possession, in order to avoid that confusion, which its becoming again common would occasion.10 And farther, in case no testament be permitted by the law, or none be made, and no heir can be found so qualified as the law requires, still, to prevent the robust title of occupancy from again taking place, the doctrine of escheats is adopted in almost every country; whereby the sovereign of the state, and those who claim under his authority, are the ultimate heirs, and succeed to those inheritances, to which no other title can be formed.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
