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与 emphasised 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bleuler emphasised the associative disturbances, not the demens.


Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong recently emphasised that Singapore must strive to excel in this area in order to achieve greater global competitiveness.


To be fair, the Government has actually begun to pay attention to social development, as evidenced in its setting up of Community Development Councils. In explaining the "Singapore 21" vision, PM Goh Chok Tong also emphasised "heart-ware", a basic material for setting up a "People Sector".


I emphasised over and over to close all the windows before leaving the office.


He emphasised in his blog statement that the additional accounts were not misused to collude during tournaments.


Even Jean Paul Gaultier's vivid journey down Mexico-way, via basket-weave leather and feathered gowns, uber-embroidered denim corsetry over gold lamé and sequinned gangster pinstripes seemed gorgeously, dishearteningly, familiar; ending the show with a serenade from Arielle Dombasle, ageing siren, only emphasised the point.

甚至连高缇耶鲜明生动的墨西哥旅程看上去也令人沮丧地感到极其熟悉:编织的皮毛、插上羽毛的礼服、带绣花的牛仔紧身衣、配有金色绸缎与亮片的土匪细条纹西装;秀结尾所使用的艾莉儿·唐贝索的小夜曲ageing siren,仅仅更凸显了这一点。

Even Jean Paul Gaultier's vivid journey down Mexico-way, via basket-weave leather and feathered gowns, uber-embroidered denim corsetry over gold lameacute; and sequinned gangster pinstripes seemed gorgeously, dishearteningly, familiar; ending the show with a serenade from Arielle Dombasle, ageing siren, only emphasised the point.

甚至连高缇耶鲜明生动的墨西哥旅程看上去也令人沮丧地感到极其熟悉:编织的皮毛、插上羽毛的礼服、带绣花的牛仔紧身衣、配有金色绸缎与亮片的土匪细条纹西装;秀结尾所使用的艾莉儿。唐贝索的小夜曲ageing siren,仅仅更凸显了这一点。

US officials emphasised that such missions would continue while Obama authorised dispatch of a destroyer to escort USNS Impeccable.


Dr Jiebna also emphasised the need for good cooling systems large fans and dripper systems.


As his life ebbed away, the enigmatic ex-soldier who had ruled with a rod of iron for 32 years until 1998 was visited by two fellow retired autocrats—Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamed and Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew—who, naturally, emphasised his achievements as a statesman and staunch anti-communist.

随着身体状况逐渐恶化,这位退伍的老将军心安理得的强调他作为一名政治家和一位坚定的反共分子的功绩。他高深莫测,象谜一样。Suharto对这个国家的专制统治长达32年之久。直到1998年另外两个退出政坛的独裁家,马来西亚的Mahathir和新加坡的Lee Kuan Yew的来访才告终结。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?