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与 differential 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, a new structure of Low Voltage Differential Signal transmitter circuit is presented.

摘 要:本论文给出一种用0.18μm的CMOS工艺设计,工作电源电压是1.5V,可实现为2.5Gbps数据流的发送的LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signal)发送器。

Finally, favored by the article "Stochastic differential utility" written by Duffle and Epstein, we define the notion of Stochastic differential utility under Maos conditions. Similar to common utility functions, they preserve many good characters such as continuance, monotonousness, risk aversion and so on.

最后,受Duffie和Epstein的"Stochastic differential utility"一文的启发,在毛氏条件下定义了随机微分效用,它保持了一般效用函数的性质:单调性,连续性,风险厌恶以等。

First of all,we have given some of the basic concepts of differential equations, described the constant coefficient linear ordinary differential equation solution, for a class of second-order variable coefficient linear ordinary differential equation initial value problem, an approximate solution, the method is first unknown function of a definition for N sub-interval, and then in between each district within a constant coefficient ordinary differential equations similar to the replacement, the solution has been the problem as similar to the original analytical solution, and then gives a detailed second-order change order coefficient of linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation solution examples, the examples of the approximate method proposed in this paper is valid.


The paper consists of four chapters:In chaper 1, we introduce the background and signficance, research and actuality on oscillation of functional partial differential equations; we present research subject in this paper;In chaper 2, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of parabolic differential equations with delays and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of their solutions; we show the difference between oscillatory property of systems of parabolic differential equations with delays and that of systems of partial differential equtions without delays; we explain the main results with examples;In chapter 3, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of functional parabolic differential equations of neutral type; we obtain some sufficient conditions for the oscillation or full oscillation of their solutions under some conditions; we explain the main results with examples;In chapter 4, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of functional hyperbolic differential equations of neutral type; we obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation or full oscillation of their solutions under some conditions; we explain the main results with examples.


Applying dynamic program to the optimal control problem of this jump process,we obtain integro differential HJB equation.

对这一跳跃过程最优控制问题,我们应用动态规划原理得到了积分-微分( integro-differential)形式的 HJB方程。

In order to obtain more general solution of second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients, which is important in theory and practice, on the basis of knowing a special of the second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients and by using the method of variation of constant, the second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients is transferred to the reduced differential equation and a general formula of the second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients is derived.


Content: By learning this course, students should grasp the elementary solution of first order differential equation, the structure theory of linear differential equation or system of linear differential equations and the solution of constant coefficient differential equation or system of constant coefficient differential equations.


In this paper, the domain decomposition method is used for the elliptical boundary problems on a pentagonal region. In every sub-domain, we solve the partial differential equations with TDQ method, namely, triangular differential quadrature domain decomposition method.

为求解五边形上的椭圆型微分方程边值问题,我们借助了区域分裂法(domain decomposition method,简称DDM),将大区域分成几个小区域,在每个小区域上,用TDQ方法,这种方法我们称之为三角微分求积区域分裂法(triangular differential quadrature domain decomposition method,简称TDQDDM)。

However, in 1997, Biham and Shamir announced a novel attack called Differential Fault Analysis.

直到1997年Biham与Shamir提出了错误差分攻击法(Differential Fault Anaylsis,DFA) [2-3],证明在假设的错误情况发生之下,只需要少数的明文与错误密文对,便可以破解DES密码器。

Limited slip differential is improved according to common differential. Not having the common differentials disadvantage of dividing the torque into two equal parts, limited slip differential can give most torque or even all torque to another driving wheel which is not revolving in order to make use of the friction of this driving wheel to produce enough traction. This will greatly increase the dynamical capability, the passing capability, the stability and the safety of automobiles on different friction roads. So limited slip differential is substitute for common differential.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
