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与 devious 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His devious nature was shown in half lies and small dishonesties.


Aggressive, devious, manipulative, spiteful, vengeful, doesn't listen, can't sustain mature adult conversation, lacks a conscience, shows no remorse, is drawn to power, emotionally cold and flat, humourless, joyless, ungrateful, dysfunctional, disruptive, divisive, rigid and inflexible, selfish, insincere, insecure, immature and deeply inadequate, especially in interpersonal skills


From the perspective of judicial modernization, by reviewing the hundred-year devious course of the judicial independence of China in the 20th century, the formation and establishment of the idea of the judicial independence in modern China has been outlined.

以司法现代化为视角,考察 2 0世纪中国司法独立的百年曲折历程,勾勒近现代中国司法独立思想的形成与确立;从清末变法修律这一司法现代化的历史起点,探讨中国司法独立的制度发端及其得失;分析其内在矛盾及其制约因素。

One long journey which is filled with devious route and wrong turnings could be considered as the growing up course.


One long and complicated journey which is filled with devious route and wrong turnings could be considered as the growing up course.


Modern sleuthing can overcome some of the most devious destruction.


So maybe you can't take down the ring of devious puffers in your office, but you could plant this little lighter in plenty of other places where it would be less conspicuous.


The life follows a rather devious course to its destination, the essential points not being away from not abandoning all the time to self- receives an umbrella coming over from the relative in hand, is hit by a cup of green tea , meeting over personally time hunger and thirst from the relative in trials and hardship fresh water, all can make heavy person renew life confidence and strength!


Cheatyface essentially introduced a new minigame into silver-bordered Magic, in which players of a certain mindset strove to come up with new and more devious ways of getting it into play.


Black rocks and yellow sandbanks emerge suddenly from time to time in the river, and we have to steer a devious course downstream through very narrow channels marked by buoys.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
