查询词典 denounces
- 与 denounces 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Network humanness denounces, basically put in a large number of low common, bawdy information because of it.
The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.
Russia denounces America's "diktat and imperialism", talks of a new arms race, threatens oil and gas supplies to neighbours regarded as unfriendly, and says it wants to overturn the Western-inspired economic order.
This is the reason that Henan humanness denounces actually.
Highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to show why it is more irreligious to
But one thing I gather people don't know is that there's a dissonance between what Germany says and what it does: the Finance minister denounces Keynesianism, but at least according to the IMF Germany's actual stimulus package is quite substantial - comparable to that of the United States!
Most the outside denounces, it is the Yahoo inside his lieutenancy and Microsoft just miss the opportunity, and fail reach search advertisement agreement with cereal song.
When corruption becomes a way of life, when it becomes something beyond reproach, and when it becomes something everyone denounces and at the same time desires, the whole society has entered a state of maldevelopment.
It deconstructs the Euro-centrism in "Heart of Darkness",denounces scathingly the American hegemonism represented by LeBlanc,and highlights its author's...
He denounces her to the villagers (Aria: Comparire il ciel m'ha stretto -"Heaven has forced me to appear") and they are persuaded, although the King refuses to listen.
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May Fod bless us all.
I want to be rest assured that you maintain an impeccable status because I do not want any troubles afterwards.
Ceng Xuan says " I am leader Yahoo optimal person selected " Yang Zhiyuan, one year much lieutenancy is full of twist.