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与 demonstrate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You would also be able to demonstrate how effectively you can organize an event to produce solid results.


If English is not your first language, then you will have to demonstrate proficiency in English.


Entertainment activities, which demonstrate the profoundness of the Chinese culture and its ever- lasting


In the investigation, they found that progeria cells demonstrate only 50 percent of normal catalase activity and 30 percent of normal glutathione peroxidase activity.

分析发现,早老症细胞的催化反应是正常细胞的 50%、麸胺基硫过氧化脢的活性是正常细胞的 30%,这样糟糕的抗氧化能力,当然无法有效清除体内的自由基罗。

We test a program in order to demonstrate the existence of an error.


That the Korean workers did not demonstrate a strong collective reaction to the proletarianization process is largely due to the state's suppressive control of labor movement and to the lack of a strong tradition of handicraft industry in South Korea.


The author did not wish to compose a biography of Christ, but to demonstrate, by recording His words and the deeds of His life, that He was the Messias, the Head and Founder of the Kingdom of God, and the promulgator of its laws.


The Hebrew and New Testament scriptures seem to demonstrate local and traditional ie , native ways to prophetically reimagine culture and truth in light of God 's ongoing dreams for His creation .

希伯来文和新约圣经经文似乎表明,当地和传统的方法 prophetically reimagine文化和真理,在轻上帝的正在进行的梦想,他的创作。

It was believed to encourage fertility, demonstrate piety, and propitiate the gods.


"Evidence for this proposal must be available to demonstrate that such a step change is necessary and proportionate."


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
