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death toll相关的网络例句

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与 death toll 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The death toll is likely to rise, as more than 20 vehicles, including a bus, were buried in the rubble on the road below the viaduct.


In response to a question from overseas media about a possible higher death toll, Zhang Guangrong, vice-governor of Qinghai, said the number had been collected through standard procedures and was reliable.


The specific numbers of the deaths concerned with DIC and their proportion in DIC death toll are the following: 2 patients died only DIC, accounting for 9.1%, 4 cases died of DIC followed infection, accounting for 18.2%; 8 cases died of DIC followed hyperleucocytosis, accounting for 36.4%; 8 cases died of DIC followed infection and hypeleucocytosis, accounting for 36.4%.

在DIC死亡时常伴有高白、感染等诱发因素,具体如下:单纯死于DIC 2人,占DIC死亡人数的9.1%;DIC伴感染4人,占DIC死亡人数的18.2%;DIC伴高白细胞症8人,占DIC死亡人数的36.4%;DIC伴感染又伴高白细胞症8人,占DIC死亡人数的36.4%。

Among other problems, the US relies heavily on drones and bombers, leading to a high civilian death toll, which is inflaming public attitudes against the US.


For now, the virus apparently low death toll has assuaged some fears.


For now, the virus' apparently low death toll has assuaged some fears.


Yet that relatively modest death toll belies both the strength of southern feeling and its effect.


Sichuan officials upped the confirmed death toll there to more than 19,500, but several tens of thousands more are missing or entombed in debris.

四川官员通过设定证实的死亡人数有多于19500 ,但数万个以上的遗失或entombed在倒塌房里。

Gemming Grain has been in the desert state of Rajasthan , where an education project is aiming to reduce the death toll .


Less than 24 hours after the quake hit, the death toll had climbed close to 10,000 and state media reported the razing of 80 percent of the buildings in a single county.


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I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
