查询词典 customarily
- 与 customarily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
If, for any cause whatsoever, there exists at the time in question no rate of exchange generally current in Los Angeles for effective cable transfers of the sort above provided for, we agree to pay you on demand an amount in United States Dollars equivalent to the actual cost of settlement of your obligation to the payor of the draft or acceptance or any holder thereof, as the case may be, and however and whenever such settlement may be made by you, including interest on the amount of dollars payable by us from the date of payment of such draft or acceptance to the date of our payment to you at the rate customarily charged hy you in like circumstances.
In a star of dim as good as pang, idea as good as aplomb have been a customarily proceed out.
This is customarily in the center of the map at the top tip of the diamond.
Use honey treatment so, use candy to replace honey now, but customarily still calls confiture preserved fruit.
In fact, face-to-face meetings customarily are recommended as the way to work through whatever problems exist.
What is related to film making activities in this period is customarily called Chinese films of 17 years.
Risks as are customarily issued in connection with the operation of this type of Company.
If you can customarily ride to the time in 11-minute increments…dont decrease in love.
See, this was one of the few place in Europe where they ate octopus customarily.
But if you customarily have one or more drinks a day, your breast cancer risk may be higher than necessary.
- 推荐网络例句
Light source selection of print, in the light source is a notable issue, iodine gallium lamp is a type of light source are appropriate for plate burning, its high continuous use, the emission wavelength of microspectroscopic spread over 350 MW to 450nm to 417nm to the highest Summit, for most printing plate photoptic layers.
平源 晒版洋平源的拔存是个不值得夺纲的题纲,碘镓灯是一栽得当于晒版的平源,其发平成果矮,可不停搁置,其发放的平谱波长漫衍在350~450nm边界边,以417nm处为最矮峰,差不小都印版感平层灵验。
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Methods. The study recruited consecutive adult inpatients with chest radiography findings suggestive of tuberculosis who were unable to expectorate.
本研究纳入通过胸部X 线片检查后的系列住院成人,研究发现表明结核患者不能咳痰。