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与 council 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Advocacy groups such as Greenpeace and the Council of Canadians argue GM foods are a health risk.

例如绿色和平组织和Council of Canadians等团体们认为转基因食品存在威胁人体健康的风险。

"Nobody has taught a single kid to text message," said Carol Jago of the National Council of Teachers of English and a member of the testing guidelines committee.

"没人教孩子发短信息,"英语教师全国委员会(National Council of Teachers of English)和测试大纲委员会成员之一的Carol Jago认为,孩子们很聪明。

Our professtional truckage staff will help to deliver the container to your home and unload goods without the hassle to apply for local city council's parking permit.

我们提供专业集装箱运输到府上,负责卸货,免去您办理 COUNCIL 停车证繁琐手续,消除您的后顾之忧。

A conservative American Catholic, George Weigel, has claimed that only certain parts of it—the bits he liked—were written by Benedict; in other sections he detects the influence of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, one of the more radical sections of the Vatican bureaucracy.

一位保守的美国天主教徒乔治·维格说这份文件中仅有某些部分——那些他喜欢的部分——是由本笃所写,其他部分他发现了罗马教廷正义与和平委员会(the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace)的影响,这是梵蒂冈官僚中最激进的组织之一。

So I went to British Council alone and sweatily to get my grade report.The result is wordless.

于是只能一个人满头大汗地跑去British Council拿成绩单,结果让我没啥多余的想法。

China's new clout within Asia was demonstrated last year, when Japan discovered that only one Asian country, tiny Singapore, was willing to come out in strong support of Japan's bid for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.

中国在亚洲的新影响力去年也得到展示:日本发现,只有一个亚洲国家——小国新加坡——愿意大力支持其成为联合国安理会(United Nations Security Council)常任理事国。

He or she - there has been one woman - is the City's chief magistrate, admiral of the Port of London and chancellor of City University, and presides over meetings of the Court of Common Council and Court of Aldermen, the governing bodies of London's financial district.

他或她——曾有一位女性市长——是伦敦金融城的最高地方长官、伦敦港长官和伦敦城市大学名誉校长,并主持伦敦金融城的管理机构Court of Common Council和Court of Aldermen。

Critics such as Elizabeth Whelan, of the American Council on Science and Health, a consumer-education group in New York (Whelan says that about a third of its two-million-dollar annual budget comes from industry), think that the case against BPA and phthalates has more in common with those against cyclamates and Alar than with the one against lead.

据伊丽莎白·魏兰说,纽约的消费教育组织美国科学与健康委员会(American Council on Science and Health)两百万的年度预算中有三分之一来自企业。委员会中像魏兰这样的批评家认为,反对使用双酚A和酞酸盐更像反对使用甜蜜素和艾拉,而与反对铅不同。

The Continuation Committee would eventually, in 1921, evolve into the International Missionary Council, one of the foremost bodies in twentieth-century Christian ecumenism.

这个委员会在1921年发展成为国际宣教协会( International Missionary Council )--20世纪基督教普世教会运动中最重要的机构之一。

Dr. James Lee, the CEO of Lee World group and the other 5 members of CPBA (the China-Philippines Business Association) Beijing Chapter signed various MOAs with PCBC (the Philippines-China Business Council) group on trade and investment partnership program.

利世集团总裁李中子博士代表中菲商业协会筹备组连同其他五位中国著名企业家于2006年10月27日与菲中协会(The Philippines-China Business Council)在厦门举办了隆重的合作签约仪式。

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Council Estate

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
