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与 corrector 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not properly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not pro perly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not properly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Place that clip on your timeline, and we'll apply the Fast Color Corrector to it.

把视频放到你的时间线窗口,然后我们给它赋予一个 Fast Color Corrector 效果。

The first thing we'll need to do is apply the three-way color corrector. Set up your interface for color correction , as we did in the previous tutorial by going to the Window menu at the top of the screen.

我们需要做的第一件事是给视频赋予three-way color corrector,设置你的调色面板,就像我们在上一个教程所做的那样,调?

If you want more control, set it to "display as white" and then use your own color corrector upstream from the saver.

如果你需要更多的控制,请设置为"display as white",然后使用saver工具上面的color corrector颜色调整节点来进行更精细的调整。

This paper presents an efficient approach of designing a special dome and its aberration corrector, using the method of Wassermann-Wolf differential equations to generate the optimum contour of the corrector through a macro in CODE V. This corrector reduces spherical aberration and coma which are introduced by the dome and improves the imaging quality of the system.

本文提出了一种有效的特殊整流罩及其像差校正器的设计方法,运用Wassermann-Wolf微分方程组的原理,通过在CODE V中编译宏程序曲面拟合的方法得到校正器最佳面形,从而可以校正整流罩引入的球差、彗差,使系统成像质量得到较大的改善。

According to third-order aberration theory, the conditions of the absence of aberrations were analyzed, and the influences to the remaining high order aberrations of the system caused by the change of the relative aperture of the primary mirror, the position of the corrector and the different combination of the positive and negative lens in the corrector were investigated.


A new lower-resolution subzonal wave-front corrector can be approximated by subdividing the wave-front corrector′s aperture into multiple subzones, all actuators associated with each subzone being treated as a whole controlling element.


Firstly, this discourse describes the background and function of the Volume Corrector, Then introduces the compose and configuration of the Volume Corrector, and analyses Volume Correctors' system error.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
