查询词典 censor
- 与 censor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Now why would they want to censor such a mundanetactic, except out of embarrassment that the US Army fightingforces had fallen to the level of a cheer-leading squad?...
Now why would they want to censor such amundane tactic, except out of embarrassment that the US Armyfighting forces had fallen to the level of a cheer-leading squad?...
But stealth parties offer the privileged a chance to consume without an inner censor chiding them for their spendthrift ways.
Finally, I designate that China is still a developing county, the protection on intellectual property must be fit in with our country's situation, continuing to execute a exacting patent censor standard is fix in with our nation's benefits.
Finally, the author draws the conclusion that China ought to take ism of counterwork and the system of formalist censor, and must insist on the ...
The truth about cures without drugs is suppressed, unless it suits the purpose of the censor to garble it.
For solving the problem, based on the understanding criterion of architectural design fires prevention, we understand the architectural ichnography this text, by using the technology of computer-aided, to solve the key problem of fire control censor of construction.
With due solemnity Samuel relinquishes the office which he has administered so faithfully, but reserves for himself the post of censor and counselor, and interceder with Yhwh xii.
Areas received a license management licence application forms should be on whether an applicant has the licence conditions for review, in line with the conditions, air traffic control organization should censor license applicants to carry out theoretical exam and skills assessment.
The Internet companies in China, as MacManus noted, tend to "self-discipline" themselves and censor their own content.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Don't Censor Me
- The Censor
- 推荐网络例句
It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.
This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.
Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.