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与 brazenly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

India wants to know if you have relatives in Pakistan; America wants to know whether you were ever arrested for anything anywhere, and if so, whyyour correspondent, detained several times by communist-era secret police, brazenly fibbed


India wants to know if you have relatives in Pakistan ; America wants to know whether you were ever arrested for anything anywhere, and if so, why (your correspondent, detained several times by communist-era secret police, brazenly fibbed).


They know it's a protected area, but there's no law enforcement, so they come right in and shoot monkeys and duikers," she said."In the Malabo market they'll even tell you brazenly,'It's a Gran Caldera monkey.'


Paul Valéry, who eulogised Marcel Proust despite brazenly admitting he had only skimmed the writer's work, claimed this critical distance better enabled him to comment on it.

大肆赞扬Marce Proust的Paul Valery恬不知耻地承认只稍稍翻过他的书,他声称这种远观让他能更好的对其加以评论。

Paul Valéry, who eulogised Marcel Proust despite brazenly admitting he had only skimmed the writer's work, claimed this critical distance better enabled him to comment on it.

保罗·瓦莱里(Paul Valéry)对马塞尔·普鲁斯特大加褒扬,却大言不惭地承认仅仅扫过普鲁斯特作品一眼,还说这个距离至关重要,能让他更好地对其作出评价。

Each category is illustrated with an example from literature. The librarian in Robert Musil's "The Man Without Qualities" explains that reading any particular book distracts from what is truly important: the relationship between all books. Paul Valéry, who eulogised Marcel Proust despite brazenly admitting he had only skimmed the writer's work, claimed this critical distance better enabled him to comment on it.

对每个类别,作者用了一个文学例子进行阐述:在Robert Musil写的《The Man Without Qualities》一书中的图书管理员说道:无论看哪本书都会让人忽视一点,即:所有书之间的关系; Paul Valéry曾高度赞誉过Marcel Proust ,尽管他大胆承认只是略看了Marcel Proust 的作品。

Pilfered fruit brazenly plucked under the farmer's gaze may be the secret to stolen love, at least for wild male chimpanzees and their consorts, British researchers said.


Pilfered fruit brazenly plucked under the farmer's gaze may be the secret to stolen love,at least for wild male chimpanzees and their consorts,British researchers said.


We as a group of mischievous monkeys, brazenly naughty the moment were not idle, mottled shadows of the trees, we climb race, Tiaopi Jin, hopscotch, shuttlecock, catching dragonflies, throwing the old k, build mud houses, do clay figurines, also compiled and performed self-dubbed martial arts people to a mud fight.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
