英语人>网络例句>boot 相关的网络例句
与 boot 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BOOT BLOCK of the BIOS memory block is the basic startup information, the form of its support for ISA cards, when after a failed BIOS upgrade, you can boot from the BOOT BLOCK and repair BIOS, this design was the use of BIOS update procedure and has been extended to this .

其中的BOOT BLOCK块是存储BIOS基本启动信息的,它支持ISA形式的显卡,当BIOS升级失败后,可以从BOOT BLOCK启动并修复BIOS,这种设计思路被BIOS刷新程序采用并一直延续到今。

Figure 1 show the boot area configuration. Boot start block shows the starting address of boot area. Size of Boot blocks is the size of boot area.

检查的设置如图1,其中Boot start block表示启动代码区的起始块,Size of Boot blocks启动代码区的大小。

First, the use of "BIOS BOOT BLOCK guide block" to restore, normally there is a BIOS will not be set to retain part of that process BOOT BLOCK, even if the BIOS update failure, Boot Block, or to control ISA card and floppy drive.

一是利用"BIOS BOOT BLOCK引导块"恢复,通常情况下BIOS中会有一个保留部分不会被刷新,那就是BOOT BLOCK程序,即使BIOS刷新失败,Boot Block还是能够控制ISA显卡与软驱。

When the BIOS is not the BOOT block destroyed, after the display is not bright, PC speakers have a toot of the alarm sound; If BOOT is damaged, this time after power up, power and hard disk lights, CPU fan switch, but does not start, this when only through programmer to rewrite the BIOS.

当 BIOS 的 BOOT 块没有被破坏时,启动后显示器不亮, PC 喇叭有嘟嘟的报警声;如果 BOOT 被破坏,这时加电后,电源和硬盘灯亮, CPU 风扇转,但是不启动,此时只能通过编程器来重写 BIOS 。

BIOS update as a result of failure or CIH virus damage caused by the BIOS, if guided block (Award BIOS as the BIOS Boot Block, Phoenix BIOS called Flash Recover boot Block) has not been damaged, can be made to re-boot disk set BIOS (site specific methods can refer to the relevant articles, will not repeat them here), if the boot block is also damaged, the available hot-swap method or by the use of security programmer repair.

由于 BIOS 刷新失败或 CIH 病毒造成的 BIOS 受损的问题,如果引导块(Award BIOS 中称为 BIOS Boot Block 、 Phoenix BIOS 中称为 Flash Recover boot Block)未被破坏,可用自制的启动盘进行重新刷新 BIOS(具体方法可以参考本站的相关文章,这里就不再赘述),假如引导块也损坏的话,可用热插拔法或用利用编程器进行安全的修复。

Again, if you are not using a separate boot partition, you can leave /boot in the paths.


I lowered off the top of the boot flake what seemed like 80-90 plus feet and then started my slow pendulums back and forth under the boot flake.

我从boot flake顶部下降,大概有八九十英呎,然后开始慢慢在boot flake下来回摆荡,经过一番苦战,我最后到达凹壁,我往上爬一短的10a段落,然后在此确保。

First, the use of "BIOS BOOT BLOCK guide block" to restore, normally there is a BIOS will not be set to retain part of that process BOOT BLOCK, even if the BIOS update failure, Boot Block, or to control ISA card and floppy drive.

一是利用&BIOS BOOT BLOCK引导块&恢复,通常情况下BIOS中会有一个保留部分不会被刷新,那就是BOOT BLOCK程序,即使BIOS刷新失败,Boot Block还是能够控制ISA显卡与软驱。

This paper describes characteristics of a powerful, stable U-Boot program in the development of the current embedded systems and transplant process. It realizes functions like kernel and file system of yaffs download, and Linux boot. By using the corresponding commands to download the kernel, yaffs file system and boot Linux, it proves the U - Boot accurate.

介绍了当前嵌入式开发中功能强大、稳定可靠的引导装载程序U- Boot 的特点、移植的过程,并且实现了包括下载内核、yaffs文件系统和启动Linux的功能,利用相应的命令下载内核、yaffs文件系统和启动Linux,证实了所移植的U-Boot的正确性。

This generally means you did not rename the applications .dol file. The homebrew channel can only run apps that are named boot.dol or boot.elf. Not all homebrew apps you download will be named boot.dol/boot.elf.

一般而言,你不需要将应用程式重新命名,homebrew应用程式只能够执行档名为boot.dol 或 boot.elf的应用程式,但是并非你所下载的应用程式都会将执行档命名为boot.dol/boot.elf。。

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Boot Hill
Boot Stamping On A Human Face Forever
Boot Scootin' Boogie
Boot Scootin' Boogie (Club Mix)
The Ballad Of Boot Hill
A Lot Of Boot Left To Fill
Out That Boot Camp Clicc
Toot It & Boot It
Whiskey Boot Hill

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