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at one time or another相关的网络例句

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与 at one time or another 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At one time or another, you've probably said,"It's a small world."


Everyone, including myself, has been making at least one of them at one time or another.


James Kellaris, a marketing professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Business Administration, has done research on earworms and brain itch, and he's found that as many as 99 percent of us have fallen prey to them at one time or another. Kellaris says women, musicians and people who are neurotic, tired or stressed are most prone to earworm attacks. With musicians, it makes sense because they're listening to music continuously, but Kellaris isn't sure why women are more susceptible to earworms.

辛辛那提大学公商管理学院市场营销教授James Kellaris对耳虫和大脑渴求进行过研究,他发现我们中有99%的人都遇到这种问题,他说,妇女,音乐家和那些神经过敏的、疲惫的或者是压力大的人最有可能患此类疾病,就拿音乐家来说,这是有一定道理的,因为他们经常听音乐,但是Kellaris不清楚为什么妇女也属于这一类。

It seems to be part of human nature for people to feel dissatisfied with their lives or situations at one time or another...There always seems to be someone else who has it easier, or who is luckier or more successful.


At one time or another, and in one way or another, we have all asked ourselves these questions. Why am I here?


At one time or another, half of all state employees have been furloughed or have had their pay or hours cut.


I'm sure at one time or another the mechanism to lower these bollards at one point or another failed in its duties and was forced to remain out after diving.


Or perhaps we all have epiphanies at one time or another and it is up to us whether this brief unanticipated opening into other domains should be acknowledged and pursued, or simply dismissed as a momentary slip of the gears as in a dream.


At one time or another, in one place or anothr, some of these indictments have been valid .


During the last year, official Kuomintang organs have at one time or another announced the death or wounding of General Lin Piao, Communist c-in-c in Manchuria, General Chen yi, c-in-c in East China, General Liu Po-cheng and other Communist leaders.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?