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与 aside from 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aside from that, the Indian Melody site also offers free Hindi MP3 downloads of classical music from light classical or ghazals, Hindustani classical, to Carnatic Classical.


The problem with both v-mail and e-mail (aside from the fact they're asynchronous, often ill-timed, and usually devoid of context) is that they shift the power from the recipient of communications (e.g. the right to decline conversation) to the sender.


But aside from the physical attributes of these gems, we must also consider on how these stones affected lives of the ancient people because during those old times, they didn't have a mnemonic device to base their pricing from.


So aside from the big boom scena rio , do they have the capacity to dealwith increased incidence of cancer as the nuclear contaminationpercolates up from the test sites or out to sea over time?


Disclaimer: Aside from stating this to be an original creation, if reposted, please state clearly that it comes from River Crab Goes Shore and link back to the original .


He had but one idea now, to die; and he did not wish to be turned aside from it, but he reflected, in his gloomy somnambulism, that while destroying himself, he was not prohibited from saving some one else. He raised his voice.


Aside from the two-faced landscape, aside from the virtuoso acting, aside from the stunning and subtle make-up job of ageing these two young men 20 years, an accumulation of very small details gives the film authenticity and authority: Ennis' dirty fingernails in a love scene; the old highway sign "entering Wyoming" not seen here for decades; the slight paunch Jack develops as he ages; the splotch of nail polish on Lureen's finger in the painful telephone scene; her mother's perfect Texas hair, Ennis and Jack sharing a joint instead of a cigarette in the 1970s; the switched-around shirts; the speckled enamel coffee pot; all accumulate and convince us of the truth of the story.


Aside from their knives and guns, they also carry a tobacco pouch, an ox horn and a gourd full of bullets; they wear dark collarless clothes that wrap around from the right and fasten with brass buttons, baggy straight-cut pants, and dark cloth waist-pouches.


However, aside from the absence of Machabees from the Codex Vaticanus (the very oldest copy of the Greek Old Testament), all the entire manuscripts contain all the deutero writings; where the manuscript Septuagints differ from one another, with the exception noted, it is in a certain excess above the deuterocanonical books.

不过,除了没有machabees从食品法典委员会vaticanus (非常最古老的副本,希腊旧约),所有整个手稿包含所有的deutero著作;那里手稿septuagints不同,其中没有一项,除指出的,这是在某超出次经书。

My brain has developed a little differently from most other people's. Aside from my high-functioning autism, I also suffered from epileptic seizures as a young child.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
