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与 as to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article explains in detail how to form a wave of three-phase bridge fully-controlled rectifier in the power electronics. It is the concrete application of the AS to the flash.


In the course of children's growth, we should give as much emphasis to the cultivation of their love for others as to their intellectual development.

give emphasis to…在孩子的成长过程中,我们应把对孩子的爱心培养和智力发展看得同等重要。

Idealists have objected to the practice of camping , as to the packaged tour ,that the traveler abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.

理想主义者反对野营,就像他们反对包团旅行一样,因为他们认为出国旅行者会使他们丧失了解所到国家人民的机会。(此处as to不是"关于"的意思,as 正如。。。。。。一样,packaged tour 译为包团旅游

So saying, with dispatchful looks in haste She turns, on hospitable thoughts intent What choice to chuse for delicacie best, What order, so contriv'd as not to mix Tastes, not well joynd, inelegant, but bring [ 335 ] Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change, Bestirs her then, and from each tender stalk Whatever Earth all-bearing Mother yields In India East or West, or middle shoare In Pontus or the Punic Coast, or where [ 340 ] Alcinous reign'd, fruit of all kindes, in coate, Rough, or smooth rin'd, or bearded husk, or shell She gathers, Tribute large, and on the board Heaps with unsparing hand; for drink the Grape She crushes, inoffensive moust, and meathes [ 345 ] From many a berrie, and from sweet kernels prest She tempers dulcet creams, nor these to hold Wants her fit vessels pure, then strews the ground With Rose and Odours from the shrub unfum'd.

Neerer his presence Adam though not awd, Yet with submiss approach and reverence meek, As to a superior Nature, bowing low, [ 360 ] 她一边说着,一边带着急迫的神情,急速转身,一心想着招待的事,怎样精选最上等最可口的东西,风味若不调和,便会变得粗劣,务必要按照自然的变化而加调味,一样接着一样,有条不紊,引人入胜;于是忙着去采集各种的果品,从大地母亲所生产的万汇中千挑万选,无论东西印度、地中海滨各国、本都、布匿沿岸或阿西诺斯国中的,样样都有,结在柔枝上的,有果皮光滑的,粗糙的,果壳带须的,包在荚里的,她都不吝惜地采摘,堆积在桌子上。

Which was same to the order of relative content of As-GSH in root of those three plants, indicating that GSH might act as the reductant in As to As transformation.


A question arises as to how we shall refit the equipment.

as to接一个介词宾语从句)关于如何装那个装置的问题提出来了。

When the effect of inductance is such as to cause an induced voltage in the salne circuit in which the changing current is flowing,the term self-induction is applied to the phenomenon.

当电感效应在变化的电流流过的同一电路里足以引起感应电压时,我们就用"自感"这个词来描述这一现象。(such as引导的不定式短语to cause。……表示结果。)转贴于:口译笔译考试

In the batch incubation with addition of Asadsorbing ferrihydrite, the presence of arsenicresistant denitrificator caused an increase in concentrations of Fe and Mn, a decrease in concentrations of NO-3 and As, and a high ratio of As to the total As.


The removal method comprises the processes: the As is oxidized as As and then ferrous salt is added; the obtained substance is mixed, flocculated and then precipitated so as to remove the As in the water.


High temperature is favorable to the formation of low valence state-As minerals and to the addition of As into pyrite crystal lattice, thus is favorable for the formation of P type of pyrite. However, at low temperature, high valence As minerals are easily formed and this case is not suitable for As to add into the pyrite crystal lattice to substitute S, thus the low temperature is beneficial to the formation of N type of pyrite.


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Good To Me As I Am To You
It's Really Not As Complicated As You're Making It Out To Be
She's About As Lonely As I'm Going To Let Her Get
She's As Close As I Can Get To Loving You
At Least I'm Not As Sad (As I Used To Be)
As Good As You've Been To This World
(I'd Love To Be) As Heavy As Jesus
You'll Rebel To Anything (As Long As It's Not Challenging)
If You Have A Cross To Bear You May As Well Use It As A Crutch
As Long As The People Got Somethin To Say

The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
