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akin to相关的网络例句

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与 akin to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While it's still competitive, it would be nice to see a sleeker and more modern Treo, or perhaps a range of designs akin to HTC's lineup.


In my theory this is akin to the hypnotic state—a state of heightened suggestibility in which we come to believe what there is no real evidence for.


Another possibility is that Mr Putin wants to revive something akin to the Soviet system, with Mr Medvedev playing the lesser role of chairman of the Supreme Soviet and Mr Putin embodying the more powerful general secretary of the Communist Party.


For the traditional urbanist at the height of Postmodernism, reading Koolhaas was akin to the experiences of seeing a horror movie – causing one to flinch uncomfortably, sometimes scream, engender repulsion, and continuously look over the shoulder when leaving the theater – because one knows that danger lurks, yet hopes it was all fiction.


Although there have been theories akin to the rising flow that were outright vehicles for vitalism, a second force doesn't have to be any less scientific than the laws of probability or Darwin's force of natural selection.


Although there have been theories akin to the rising flow that were outright vehicles for vitalism, a second force doesn't have to be any less scientific than the laws of probability or Darwin 's force of natural selection.


Unless most subsidies for renewables are phased out once a cap-and-trade system is in place, says Paul Bledsoe, a former adviser on energy to the Clinton administration, they risk creating a boondoggle akin to the proliferation of incentives for corn ethanol.

克林顿政府时期的一名能源顾问 Paul Bledsoe 表示,除非在限额交易体系实行之时,可再生能源获得的补贴也逐步消除,否则后果将会与猛增玉米乙醇刺激措施的结果相似,都是在做浪费时间金钱的无用功。

Unless most subsidies for renewables are phased out once a cap-and-trade system is in place, says Paul Bledsoe, a former adviser on energy to the Clinton administration, they risk creating a boondoggle akin to the proliferation of incentives for corn ethanol.

Paul Bledsoe表示,除非在限额交易体系实行之时,可再生能源获得的补贴也逐步消除,否则后果将会与猛增玉米乙醇刺激措施的结果相似,都是在做浪费时间金钱的无用功。

Mr Obama could certainly tone down the triumphalism: opting to make his acceptance speech not in the convention hall but in a 75,000-seater sports stadium seems like another mistake, akin to his hubristic rock-star's tour of Europe.


This may strike some as akin to watching paint dry, but to the researchers it's hypnotically fascinating and, more importantly, reveals local anthropology.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
