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与 accent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, there was in all these words of Thenardier, in his accent, in his gesture, in his glance which darted flames at every word, there was, in this explosion of an evil nature disclosing everything, in that mixture of braggadocio and abjectness, of pride and pettiness,of rage and folly, in that chaos of real griefs and false sentiments, in that immodesty of a malicious man tasting the voluptuous delights of violence, in that shameless nudity of a repulsive soul, in that conflagration of all sufferings combined with all hatreds, something which was as hideous as evil, and as heart-rending as the truth. The picture of the master, the painting by David which he had proposed that M.


Always use the correct accent mark s in your text.


For example,"summat" is often associated with a Yorkshire accent, but could equally be associated with a West Country accent, I think, when combined with contractions like "dunno" and "gotta".


Exegetes who find metre in the Psalms are of four schools, according as they explain Hebrew metre by quantity, by the number of syllables, by accent, or by both quantity and accent.


Exegetes who find metre in the Psalms are of four schools, according as they explain Hebrew metre by quantity, by the number of syllables, by accent, or by both quantity and accent.


Wallet with retractable ID sleeve, ID slot with monofilament window, internal key holder slot, three horizontal and three vertical card slots, extra storage slot, bill compartment with divider, quilted accent with heavy-gauge thread on exterior leather, embroidered icon, and metal bar logo accent.


In the "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" radio interview first aired June 13, 2005, he admitted to Gross that because Batman is "such an American icon", he had decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie Batman Begins (2005) in his natural mixed Welsh/British accent. He instead spoke to Gross in an almost-inflection less mid-American accent, only revealing his dialectic roots with a few words.

在2005年1月13日&Fresh Air with Terry Gross&电台节目中,他谈论到,由于蝙蝠侠是&如此重要的美国象征&,他决定不在该电影的任何访谈中使用他原本的威尔士/英国混合口音,而是用了一种几乎变调的美国中部地区口音,他在短短几句话里就显示了深厚的口音变化能力。

In the "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" radio interview first aired June 13, 2005, he admitted to Gross that because Batman is "such an American icon", he had decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie Batman Begins (2005) in his natural mixed Welsh/British accent. He instead spoke to Gross in an almost-inflection less mid-American accent, only revealing his dialectic roots with a few words.

在2005年1月13日&Fresh Air with Terry Gross&电台节目中,他念叨到,因为蝙蝠侠是&云云紧张的美国象征&,他决意不在该影戏的任何访谈中应用他原本的威尔士/英国夹杂口音,而是用了一种险些变调的美国中部地区口音,他在短短几句话里就显现了深挚的口音变化才力。

In French, you can't do that, but you do have two other options: tonic accent and affective accent.


International Phonetic Alphabet to master pronunciation of English not good, hard American accent or English accent. 3 unfamiliar grammar structures, do not know how the combination of the laws of English sentences. 4 a lack of listening skills and do not know how to listen to only the most effective. 5 the lack of positive and effective English thinking, do not understand the use of Chinese thinking on the English-speaking听说读写译especially great to hear a negative transfer effect. 6 psychological barriers exist, do not know the owner of that happy state of good full confidence and strong desire to make listening better listening comprehension.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
