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与 academy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quest Improvements: We're adding new quests in "The Fissure of Woe" and Post-Searing Ascalon, and updating many of the quests in Pre-Searing Ascalon to make it more straightforward for players to gain entrance to the Academy.

任务改进:我们在"The Fissure of Woe"和崩坏的Ascalon世界里新增了一些新的任务。同时,也更新了一些崩坏前的任务,使得他们更有连惯性更容易了解,让新玩家能够简单明了的取得进入Academy的权利。

Reporting recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Leslie Saul-Gershenz and Jocelyn Millar described the case of the abominable blister beetle and the benighted solitary bee.

在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》的最新报道中,Leslie Saul-Gershenz 和Jocelyn Millar向我们描述了讨厌的斑蝥和善良的独居蜂之间的故事。

They can use the Scanner Sweep ability of the ComSat Station, after building a Barracks and an Academy.

在建造完兵营和科技塔(Academy,人族建筑,译者注)后,人族就可以使用雷达(ComSat Station,人族主基地的一种附属建筑)进行雷达扫描。

NAfter six years of careful planning and preparation, Hosanna Academy has finally been established in Beijing .

经过 6 年的海外和本土准备与策划,语翼集团旗下属的 Hosanna Academy 教育机构终于登陆北京了!

Today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , the researchers report that they expected to find a 50:50 ratio of right - to left-handed amino acids in the rocks, but instead they found the ratio of amino acids tilted toward left-handedness in all six specimens.

在今天的《美国国家科学院院刊》( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ),研究人员汇报了,他们希望在陨石里找到含量对半分布的右旋和左旋氨基酸,相反他们发现六个样本里面,两种氨基酸的比都倾向于左旋体。

The first in the "Academy" rock party series held by M-Concept on 5th of September was a great success with a wild atmosphere and the full turn-up rate.

由 M-Concept 在 9月头主办的"Academy"系列摇滚派对反应热烈,当晚气氛狂野,全场爆满,很抱歉未能招呼无法入场的朋友。

Currently, Minister Whirley serves full-time as Principal at Riverdale Christian Academy, a K-12 private school here in Baton Rouge, while also ministering to our youth part-time at CCCBR.

现今,Whirley传道在一所幼儿园-十二年级的学校,Riverdale Christian Academy任全时间校长,同时在本教会兼任半职青少年传道。

A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Jessica Whiteside of Brown University in Rhode Island and her colleagues, pretty well nails it down. It was the geological chaos that created the North Atlantic Ocean.

罗得岛布朗大学的杰西卡·怀特塞德与其同事共同完成了一项研究,最近他们刊载在美国科学院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的研究论文几乎令一切盖棺定论——是形成北大西洋的地质混沌。

Lennard Fisk, a University of Michigan space scientist who chairs the National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board and is a former head of NASA space science, calls the threatened cuts "an extremely foolish thing to do".

曾任国家空间科学院研究委员会(National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board)主席、NASA空间科学负责人的密歇根大学空间科学家Lennard Fisk说,这个削减计划&极其愚蠢&。

After all, news of Ms. Meester's latest Rolling Stone cover along with Blake Lively, her Reebok campaign and the fact that she attended the Academy Awards are all easily accessible via the Internet.

毕竟, 关于Leighton和Blake Lively最新的Rolling Stone封面拍摄,她的Reebok代言和参加Academy Awards的事实等新闻都可以很容易地通过Internet查询到。

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Commencement At The Obedience Academy
Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy Of Arts
Dear Academy
Punk Rock Academy
Academy Award Performance
Nursery, Academy

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
