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a point of view相关的网络例句

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与 a point of view 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In present engineering point of view, accurate conversion of A/D converter can't realize which is made of unstable system.


I have a point of view for the world , and that is my World View.


The scholars started from a point of view that theyself were the male and realizeded that the female's beauty is a latent harm to the society of males.Because of it,the scholars gave the female some effective criterion of ethics and behavior. So the female could walk on this road voluntarily and became a controlled and enslaved role.Besides it, the scholars bounded and fixed the female's station in accordance with the given distinction of production, labor, politics and education between the male and felmale.It became a theory starting point of ethics that males and husbands the honour, females and wives the humble in the aftertime of bimillennium.


Another point of view, the current bond market's point is equivalent to A-share market's "4000 points", the risk is increasing.


Most of Wei's landscapes in this exhibit are expansive, their beckoning horizon lines place him in space and betray his 'point of view'—and a point of view determines an individual.


The principal point of this research is to understand the managerial items of ecological engineering of the river ecological engineering through the proprietor's a point of view.


Lena's ex-husband is supporting her kid.My point of view is that, a feminist is made, not born.

point of view:看问题的角度(前面介词用from,而且通常用来指别人的看法而不是自己的看法)。

This thesis is composed to the following contents: in Chapter 2, it is mainly focused on the necessity of recognition for the universe of discourse out of a new point of view, that is, its point of view on the basis of the dialectical world outlook and the regular order arrangement between relative temporal meaning and absolute temporal meaning which the professor, MA QING-ZHU have suggested in Chinese and propose the background of UGFF theory.

本文是对"的"字结构的系统的阐述,在论文中首先是显示了在"的"字结构里,其先行词组和后行词组之间的关系功能,进而是以代词的约束方向及相对时间世界与绝对时间世界之间的区别作为先行论据,提出了形式和功能统一语法(Unifying Grammar of Form and Function,简称UGFF)的基本模型。

Pan Shiyi own clever way, he will have to switch for each floor, a point of view, not only openly so that high-density buildings in accordance with the provisions, but its advertised as some kind of architectural fashion, thus becoming selling point.


The most usual kind is that which involves a contrast between a point of view stated or implied in some part of the fiction, and the assumed point of view of the author, and hence of the reader.3 Irony is generally divided into three types, namely, verbal irony, dramatic irony and situational irony.


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A Different Point Of View

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
