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a nice bit of相关的网络例句

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与 a nice bit of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He would return to a nice house, a bit of garden, the job.


So we're really still looking at that to see how balanced it is and it gives the Ultralisk a little more teeth and it makes it feel a little less gimped against tier 1 units which is kind of nice and a bit of a fun thing that is not huge strategy thing yet, just because the Ultralisk has a lot of trouble getting into the middle of enemy forces right now.


We receive a text message. Avoid the Prnu bypass because of roadworks. It will be quicker to go through the city centre. That is a nice, useful, considerate bit of advice to receive. What is unusual is that it comes from Estonia's president, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who is driving back from Poland on the same route.

因为道路施工,我们收到了一条短信叫我们绕开Prnu,这真是一条很有帮助的,细心而考虑周到的建议,不寻常的是这条短信来自爱沙尼亚总统,Toomas Hendrik Ilves,他从波兰驾车回来,路过同一条路。

It's an undeniable urge to rake leaves, start planning for Halloween, cook up a nice acorn squash (seasoned with butter and a bit of garlic), and brew a pot of Assam tea to go with it.

这是一个不可否认的强烈欲望,去耙叶,为万圣节开始规划,做了一个不错的橡树果泥球,然后沏一壶 Assam的茶。

For that I could get a nice operation, Dad and Mum contacted Director Yao of the political department in Xinqiao Hospital through their friends and acquaintances, wishing the surgeon might do my operation a little bit better.


I re-introduced De Profundis in some of my performances via the cadenza at the end of the piece, which I arranged from the piece Pensee des Morts, which was a nice effect, but maybe a bit too long for the proportions of the piece........

演奏中,我把《死之冥想》中的De Profundis的片段运用到《死之舞》的结尾华彩片段取得很好的效果,但是这样好像和曲的均匀比例来看,好像太长了一些呢

He's also a dream catcher and neve given up. Look at the pictures of him, he doesn't have a nice looking face, that makes people feel he looks like a little bit funny and even stupid.


The security guarder is so nice to let me try the Budhi seeds. Maybe they want me a devotional believer. I tried one by one falling from the Budhi tree. It's some kind of dried fruit, tasted a bit of sweet. Dramatically, I was even more like a squirrel in Ginger and Helen's eyes.


But never was a Fight manag'd so hardily, and in such a surprizing Manner, as that which follow'd between Friday and the Bear, which gave us all (though at first we were surpriz'd and afraid for him) the greatest Diversion imaginable: As the Bear is a heavy, clumsey Creature, and does not gallop as the Wolf does, who is swift, and light; so he has two particular Qualities, which generally are the Rule of his Actions; First, As to Men, who are not his proper Prey; I say, not his proper Prey; because tho' I cannot say what excessive Hunger might do, which was now their Case, the Ground being all cover'd with Snow; but as to Men, he does not usually attempt them, unless they first attack him: On the contrary, if you meet him in the Woods, if you don't meddle with him, he won't meddle with you; but then you must take Care to be very Civil to him, and give him the Road; for he is a very nice Gentleman, he won't go a Step out of his Way for a Prince; nay, if you are really afraid, your best way is to look another Way, and keep going on; for sometimes if you stop, and stand still, and look steadily at him, he takes it for an Affront; but if you throw or toss any Thing at him, and it hits him, though it were but a bit of a Stick, as big as your Finger, he takes it for an Affront, and sets all his other Business aside to pursue his Revenge; for he will have Satisfaction in Point of Honour; that is his first Quality: The next is, That if he be once affronted, he will never leave you, Night or Day, till he has his Revenge; but follows at a good round rate, till he overtakes you.


I'm a bit of a neurotic, so I need a stable man -- preferably with a beard and nice jawline.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
