英语人>网络例句>UK 相关的网络例句
与 UK 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED is one of the worlds leading laundry catenation enterprise. As a well-known company, it mainly involving laundry machinery and equipment products, providing sales, repair and maintenance."UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING CATENATION SYSTEM" started at the beginning of the 21 century.

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMETE专业从事洗涤设备、耗材的研制及洗衣品牌的连锁经营,是全球知名的洗衣连锁企业。21世纪初,UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING连锁体系强势启动。

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED is one of the world's leading laundry catenation enterprise. As a well-known company, it mainly involving laundry machinery and equipment products, providing sales, repair and maintenance."UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING CATENATION SYSTEM" started at the beginning of the 21 century.

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMETE专业从事洗涤设备、耗材的研制及洗衣品牌的连锁经营,是全球知名的洗衣连锁企业。21世纪初,UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING连锁体系强势启动。

After strolling through the National Portrait Gallery (www.npg.org.uk, 44-20-7306-0055; free admission for the permanent collection), head upstairs to the inviting top-floor restaurant, Portraits (44-20-7312-2490), for stunning chimney-sweep views of the London skyline. Sunday brunch is served until 3 p.m., and offerings include crab cakes, eggs Benedict, braised lamb and poached smoked haddock. Prices are £19.95 for two courses and £24.95 for three, not including wine. Reservations essential.

逛过国家肖像馆后(www.npg.org.uk, 44-20-7306-0055;馆藏作品免门票费),拾级而上可以到吸引人的顶层"肖像餐厅"(44-20-7312-2490),那里可以心旷神怡的俯视一大片伦敦市区,星期天早午餐菜牌可以服务到下午3点,可以提供蟹黄包,水波蛋,烩羊肉,熏鳕鱼配煮鸡蛋,两道菜19.95英镑,三道菜24.95英镑,不含酒水,需要提前预定,向后走,转个弯即到了庄严的特拉法加广场,(44-20-7747-2885, www.nationalgallery.org.uk ;免门票),那里有辉煌的古老欧洲艺术家的作品。

The results suggest that UK dose is the key for lytic efficacy,and the optimal and safe dose of UK required to lyse 1 ml of clotted blood would be 20 000-30 000 U/ml.

UK剂量是影响溶凝效果的关键因素,20 000~30 000 U/ml的UK为最佳安全剂量。

JKR has said that earlier in history the Death Eaters were named "The Knights of Walpurgis"([url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/uk/newsid_3004000/3004878.stm"] cBBC ).

作者说早先时候食死徒被称作"The Knights of Walpurgis"([url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/uk/newsid_3004000/3004878.stm"] cBBC )。

Jeff Lakie is the owner of used-auto-loan.co.uk providing Uk homeowners with a free loan quote service.


Jeff Lakie is the owner of home-construction-loan.co.uk providing Uk homeowners with a free loan quote service.

杰夫lakie是老板家建筑loan.co.uk 提供贷款引述英国拥有免费服务。

Jeff Lakie is the owner of settlement-settlement-loan.co.uk providing Uk homeowners with a free loan quote service.


All patients took aspirin 300mgby chawing at first and then took 100-150mg per day.Urokinase(UK,22 000IU/kg)was given by intravenous dropping within half an hour.6~12 hours later after UK was given,7 500u heparin was given subcutaneously per 12 hours,which lasted 3 to 5 days.

患者入选后立即嚼服阿斯匹林300mg,以后每日(100~150)mg;尿激酶(urokinase,UK)22 000 IU/kg半小时内静脉滴入,UK滴完后6~12h皮下注射肝素7 500U,每12h一次,持续3~5d。

Methods According to the 4×4 Latin Square design,lytic efficacy was assessed in UK dose[(10 000 U/ml,20 000 U/ml,30 000 U/ml or 40 000 U/ml)]and the timing of Uk infusion(2,4,8,16 h after blood sample taken)and UK lytic time(2,4,8,16 h after UK infusion)in vitro.15 rabbits were subjected to the intracerebral hematoma model for analysing the effect of 2 differents UK dose(10 000 U vs 30 000 U)on brain tissue around hematoma cavity.

目的 探讨尿激酶溶解血凝块的最佳用药剂量、用药时机及药物最佳作用时间,为临床一次性清除血肿提供实验依据。方法采用2个(4×4)拉丁方设计,分析UK剂量[(1万U/ml、2万U/ml、3万U/ml、4万U/ml)]、用药时机(抽血后2、4、8、16 h)和药物作用时间(加UK后2、4、8、16 h)对溶凝效果的影响。

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Start It Up (UK Remix)
Don't Forget About Me (UK Version)
It Ain't A Crime (Uk Remix)
UK Jive
How We Do It (In The UK)
Repeat (UK)
UK Vica Versa
Surfin' UK
L'Anarchie Pour Le UK
Right Here (UK Back To Black Mix)

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
