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与 Tibet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tibet has very complex topography and falls into three geographic parts: the northern part of Tibet known as the North-Tibet Plateau, lies between Kunlun Mountain, Tonglha Mountain and Kangdese Mountain, and Nyainqentanglha Mountain;between Kangdese Mountains and Himalayas;the river valleys which the the Yarlung Tsangpo and its anabranch flow by in the southern part of Tibet and lie between the Gangdise and the Himalaya ranges; the eastern part of Tibet belongs to an area of deep gorges where a series of mountain ranges from east to west criss-crossing mountain ranges running from south to north,and is some parts of the Hengduan mountain range.


On this basis it is concluded that the deviation is caused by the energy imbalance of ground measurements in GAME/Tibet experiment area.


And China would never pay the bill for ur economy recession. Were u guys unsatisfied with ur declining economy,do ur own job . what Tibet would be is not ur business. Shut up your mouth .Don't be so talkative. HOWEVER, I CAN TELL YOU THAT TIBET WAS ,IS AND WILL BE AN INSEPERABLE PART OF CHINA FOREVER.USA is neither a judger of the world court nor a policeman of the international society. Especially you, you 've never been in China and traveled to Tibet, so no qualifications to talk anything of our country.

以下这封信,是我回给我的一个美国同学的,他竟然给我发邮件给我说"****Tibet",我气得沉思了几个小时,既然他不尊重我和我的国家,那么我就给他点儿color see see 好了,别以为中国人好欺负,不过我唯一的顾虑就是他是我教授的秘书,美国并不是一个言论自由的国家,也没有什么人权民主可讲,都是用来胡扯的。

This part of the world came India's way after the Simla agreement of 1914 which was to be a tripatrite agreement between British India, China and Tibet demarcating their borders.

这部分另组是依据1914年的西姆拉协议,由 British India英国殖民地印度, China中国 and Tibet西藏标定边界。

The next time, NPR happens to have done a feature on Tibet. The GFW immobilizes the site.

下一次,因为 NPR 做了一个关于 Tibet 的特别报道,便被 GFW &石化&了。

Over the past centuries, culture and education were monopolized by lamaseries in Tibet.

西藏大学 The Tibet University 千百年来,西藏的文化教育为喇嘛寺院所垄断,近代西藏逐步迈向了现代教育。

By the '90s, Tibet 's output and style changed slightly: his productivity slowed somewhat, and the sound grew more subdued, encompassing acoustic folk in its most sinister permutations.


Ignoring facts, the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. He said that "the 17-Article Agreement was imposed on Tibet under armed force";"the Hans have massacred 1.2 million Tibetans";"owing to Han immigration, the Tibetans have become a minority in Tibet";"the Communists in Tibet force women to practice birth control and abortion"; the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; traditional Tibetan culture and art are in danger of extinction; the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted; there is severe environmental pollution in Tibet, etc. The riots in Lhasa from September 1987 to March 1989 were incited by the Dalai clique and plotted by rebels who were sent back to Tibet. The riots incurred severe losses to the lives and property of Tibetans.


First , let ur child do not never speak that "free tibet" out again,let ur president knowing that beijing olympic is not use for boybotting ,meanwhile distinguish our chinese and ur african floozies and take back ur "free tibet" flag in fornt of ur offical hall, enhancing ur paris' polices' ablility, which can not block few "free tibet" rioters. u ve already done so many things in reality , yet then u said we need friendship between our countries???????

让你们家大人教育下你们的小孩不要再说,free tibet,让你们总统明白北京奥运不是让他来抵制的,让你们巴黎市长分清楚中国人和非洲妓女并且把藏独旗子放回他们家爱惜好,提高你们巴黎警察的安全意识,别连几个藏独份子都拿不住,手无缚鸡之力,你们已经啥都做了,最后还来这说一句,我们渴望友好合作?

Tibet was a real Buddha land, it is seldom seen votarists constitute a high proportion of population in the world. Only as same as other secular society, Tibet was full of intrigue, tyranny, corruption, even the assassination among high class monks, quite at odds with an imaginary ideal world.

只不过和任何俗世社会一样,以前的西藏也少不了各种勾心斗角、贪污暴政甚至高层僧侣间的政治暗杀,与完美的世外桃源相去甚远(详见王力雄《天葬》、Melvyn Goldstein 的经典巨著《A History ofModern Tibet 1913-1951》(中译《喇嘛王国的覆灭》)及《The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China,Tibet and the Dalai Lama》)。

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Seven Years In Tibet

It goes back to what I told you...


With a supporter in Mr Charest and an admirer in Mr Dumont, Mr Harper may be encouraged to call an election himself.


Come to a "Chronicle" in.
