英语人>网络例句>Shaikh 相关的网络例句

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与 Shaikh 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This included positing names with or without titles such as bin ("son of", also written as ben or ibn), abu ("father of", also written as abou), sheikh (tribal leader, also written as sheik, shaikh, shaykh, cheik and cheikh) or haji ( Mecca pilgrim, alsowritten as hajj, hajji, hadj, haaji, haajj, haajji and haadj).

这些工作包括是否为名字安置一些称号或头衔,如 bin意为某某之子,它同样可以写为 ben或 ibn; abu意为某某之父,它同样可写为 abou; sheikh意为部落领袖,它同样可以写为 sheik、 shaikh、 shaykh、 cheik与 cheikh; haji意为麦加圣地朝拜者,它同样可以写为 hajj、 hadj、 haaji、 haajji。

For weeks British ministers and officials tried desperately to persuade their Chinese counterparts to commute the death sentence passed on Akmal Shaikh, a mentally ill 53-year-old minicab driver from North London who was convicted of smuggling four kilos of heroin into China two years ago.

好几个星期,英国的部长和官员们拼命地试图劝说中方相应的官员们免去 Akmal Shaikh 的死刑,他53岁,患有精神病,是一个来自伦敦北部的小型出租汽车的司机。他因为2年前走私4公斤海洛因到中国被判处死刑。

And when Messrs Brown and Miliband sought to remonstrate with the Chinese authorities for pressing ahead with Shaikh's execution, all they received from Beijing in response was a firm admonition not to interfere in China's internal affairs.

当 Brown 先生和 Miliband 先生试图抗议中国当局照常执行了 Shaikh 的死刑,他们所收到的来自北京的回答是一个坚定的告诫,不要干预中国的内政。

I wonder who arranged visas for Tajikistan and for China for Mr Shaikh.


In my experience of Mr Akmal Shaikh this is totally out of character of the patient I knew.

在我的经验里, Akmal Shaikh 先生完全不像是我所了解的那个人。

Mr Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London.

当 Akmal Shaikh 先生与他的家人住在伦敦时,他是我的注册病人。

It was not known how Shaikh, who is of Pakistani descent, wasexecuted.


At this time our thoughts are with Mr Shaikh's family and friends and I send them our sincere condolences.


China has defended the handling of Shaikh's case, saying he received a fair trial.


Akmal Shaikh had denied any wrongdoing and was, according to his family, suffering from a mental illness.

Akmal Shaikh否认有任何不当行为,据他的家人说,他患有精神病。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
