英语人>网络例句>Rome 相关的网络例句
与 Rome 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have it stated on abundant authority that Testaments, during the primitive period of the Roman State, were executed in the Comitia Calata, that is, in the Comitia Curiata, or Parliament of the Patrician Burghers of Rome, when assembled for Private Business.

我们根据丰富的证据,认为,在罗马国家的原始时代,"遗命"是在"特别民会"也即是在"贵族民会"或"罗马贵族市民议会"(Parliament of the Patrician Burghers of Rome)为"私事"而集会时加以执行的。

The copartner of attorney office Blank Rome Bali Geenjin expresses:"Yi Kan goes to Ma Yin before fountainhead, but drink water without decretal horse however."

律师事务所Blank Rome的合伙人巴里·格恩金表示:"伊坎将马引到水源前面,但是却无法令马喝水。"

This fairytale started to unravel four years ago with the release of Triarii's "Piece Heroique"(ES-05). A sinister seed was planted in the fertile soil of northern Europe as Christian Erdmann and Tomas Pettersson gave birth to the track "Roses 4 Rome".

其实二人的"联姻"是有迹可寻的,早在Triarii的处女专集中,Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio已经作为老前辈的身份在"Roses 4 Rome"中出现,为其处女专集亮色,里面充满了天启味道,ORE的味道一嗅就能嗅到。

The later stage of Rome here refers to the period from the later period of Rome republic (approximately from the second Punic War) to the destruction of the Empire Rome.


There was, to be sure, in the Renaissance an uncanny and glittering reawakening of the classical ideal, of the noble mode of evaluating all things; Rome itself, oppressed by the new superimposed Judaized Rome that presented the aspect of an ecumenical synagogue and was called the "church," stirred like one awakened from seeming death: but Judea immediately triumphed again, thanks to that thoroughly plebeian ressentiment movement called the Reformation, and to that which was bound to arise from it, the restoration of the church—the restoration too of the ancient sepulchral repose of classical Rome.


It flourished for over 400 years around the time of Rome and Christ, until it was occupied by the Roman legions of the Emperor Trajan in 106 AD.

Petra 让人叹为观止,无法忘怀,在Rome和Christ时期她繁荣了400多年,直到她于106AD被古罗马人占领。

To base on RomeⅢ diagnostic standard that agreed in meeting Rome in 2006, and refer to《diagnostic and therapeutical criterion of dyskinetic functional dyspepsia of TCM 》 compassed by the China Institute of TCM in 2001, we choosed 60 patients with FD , who were divided into two groups at random. the treated group(30 cases) received CLD orally; the control group received Tiaoxin Anshen FA which is on zhe base of CLD orally. One therapeutic course of both groups was one week.


This fairytale started to unravel four years ago with the release of Triarii's "Piece Heroique"(ES-05). A sinister seed was planted in the fertile soil of northern Europe as Christian Erdmann and Tomas Pettersson gave birth to the track "Roses 4 Rome".

其实二人的&联姻&是有迹可寻的,早在Triarii的处女专集中,Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio已经作为老前辈的身份在&Roses 4 Rome&中出现,为其处女专集亮色,里面充满了天启味道,ORE的味道一嗅就能嗅到。

Appian Way. Appian Way is the old highway to Rome from the south, lined with cypress tress.

大路通到罗马以后,就要In Rome do as the Romans do。,这就是中文&过路问禁,入乡问俗&的意思,否则就变成了土包子。

We have it stated on abundant authority that Testaments, during the primitive period of the Roman State, were executed in the Comitia Calata, that is, in the Comitia Curiata, or Parliament of the Patrician Burghers of Rome, when assembled for Private Business.

我们根据丰富的证据,认为,在罗马国家的原始时代,&遗命&是在&特别民会&也即是在&贵族民会&或&罗马贵族市民议会&(Parliament of the Patrician Burghers of Rome)为&私事&而集会时加以执行的。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
The Modern Rome Burning
The Glory Of Rome
When In Rome (I Do As The Romans Do)
Autumn In Rome
When In Rome
When In Rome
From LA To Rome
Fall Of Rome
Arrivederci, Roma (Goodbye To Rome)
Rome Munich Rome

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?