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Indeed, so convenient was the label that it came to stand for all music between the Roman de Fauvel and the Renaissance: thus volume iii of the New Oxford history of Music is entitled Ars Nova and the Renaissance, 1300-1540(London, 1960)and the major historical surveys in MGG follow the sequence'Ars Antiqua','Ars Nova','Renaissance'.


Kenneth Armitage was part of the great renaissance of British sculpture in the early post-war years; a renaissance which was appreciated by museums and collectors in New York and Europe even more than in Britain.


The eighteenth century has certain coincidence with the Renaissance in some extent, both of them blazon forth the existence of individual and atman, and emphasize the individual value and strength, the eighteenth century raises the Renaissance spirit—the subject existence again.


Indeed, some have called for an end to the use of the term, which they see as a product of presentism – the use of history to validate and glorify modern ideals.[12] The word Renaissance has also been used to describe other historical and cultural movements, such as the Carolingian Renaissance and the Renaissance of the 12th century.


Kellogg's Renaissance program will evolve to keep pace with business trends and the latest academic research.


He later attended the University of Texas as a composition student. Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时"早期音乐"圈中的一份子。

Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时"早期音乐"圈中的一份子。

He later attended the University of Texas as a composition student. Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时&早期音乐&圈中的一份子。

Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时&早期音乐&圈中的一份子。

The thesis purposes to read Shakespeare's Queen Margaret in the context of Renaissance: Renaissance women writers appropriate biblical female characters to reconfigure the traditional virtues; in addition, Shakespeare, influenced by a diversity of Renaissance historiographies, devises his own history plays in which he lets his women articulate and exert their influence upon their male counterparts in comparison with Holinshed's Chronicles.

本论文试著将玛格丽特皇后置於文艺复兴时代的脉络下探讨:於第一章,一方面藉由几位文艺复兴时代女性作家之作品,观察她们如何挪用圣经中的女性角色、重新定义传统女性美德之内涵;另一方面,受到当代史料编纂多元化之影响,莎翁亦写出能够呈现自己风格的历史剧,尤其是在与何林塞之编年史(Holinshed's Chronicles)的版本比较之下,发现到莎翁历史剧中的女性不但能够发声,更进而影响其他男性角色。

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Electronic Renaissance
Renaissance Faire
Renaissance Fair
Renaissance Eyes
Renaissance Affair
Harlem Renaissance
Renaissance Man
Renaissance Man
Renaissance Girls

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
