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与 Parmenides 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Historically, in Greek philosophy as early as 500 BC we find the Eleatic School with Parmenides as their chief, teaching a universal unity of being, thus exhibiting a certain affinity with modern German monism.


Second, there is the view of Heraclitus and Parmenides, who hypothesized about the character of change and then deduced some implications about matter based on their hypotheses.


An eclectic in his thinking, he combined much that had been suggested by Parmenides, Pythagoras and the Ionian schools.


It would, moreover, fly in the face of the fact that, in the current sense of the word, there are and have been paradigmatic metaphysicians who deny that there are first causes—this denial is certainly a metaphysical thesis in the current sense—, others who insist that everything changes (Heraclitus and any modern philosopher who is both a materialist and a nominalist), and others still who deny that there is a special class of objects that do not change.

而且,也会面对,在当前这个语词的意思看,有也已经有形上学家拒绝存在诸第一因——这个拒绝在当前意思里确实是一个形上学主张——,其他有些人坚持任何东西都在变化(Heraclitus和现代的物质主义者、唯名论者),还有一些人(Parmenides 和 Zeno)仍然拒绝存在不变客体的专门的类。

Proem 序言 In the Proem Parmenides describes his journey from darkness to light.


We have to be a little careful with quick and easy comparisons, but again, if all sentient beings possess buddhamind, and if you are not yet going to be crucified for remembering it, then it is likely enough that souls of such caliber as Parmenides and Plato and Plotinus would remember who and what they are in suchness.


Empedocles was undoubtedly acquainted with the didactic poems of Xenophanes and Parmenides - allusions to the latter can be found in the fragments,- but he seems to have surpassed them in the animation and richness of his style, and in the clearness of his descriptions and diction.


But if this is the impression one gets from the Phaedo and the Republic, that impression must be qualified by what is to be found in the Parmenides (and relevant absences in the Theatetus).

我在上文说:&我确实是把上文提及的principle视为ontological entity,而这种想法,相信你也很清楚,其实就是柏拉图所谓的idea或 eidos。&

Other dialogues, such as the Phaedo, Symposium, and Parmenides, do suggest that such conversations were faithfully recalled and transmitted by Socrates' followers.


As for the first, I think that Plato claims a kind of ontology, which has numerical character, in the second part of the Parmenides. This ontology provides deliberately the cosmogony of the Timaeus and the theory of the Principles in the Unwritten Doctrines that could justify the possibility of the phenomena that are saved by Forms. This possibility lies in the god's nous and will, i.e. the world that has numerical character is fashioned by the god with Forms as model, and then the becoming phenomena that cling to the receptacle are saved and intelligible.


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Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
