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与 New Bedford 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For now, however, he has to spend a few nights in New Bedford.


Strongest franchise at New Bedford, and it's possible that we may be able to

酿成灾难,部份的产业仍对位于New Bedford的室内装饰品生产线这是我们最强的

Ishmael travels from New York to New Bedford, Massachusetts, the whaling capital of the United States.


Fumes started seep ing from a trash disposal facility in New Bedford on Monday.

周一,New Bedford一垃圾处理场渗透出严重的气味。

A federal contract here, a new highway there, a restored railway in New Bedford, a grant to clean up a polluted bay; after more than three decades as their representative, his patronage amounted to hundreds of millions.


At New Bedford we have reduced the number of looms operated by about one-third, abandoning some high-volume lines in which product differentiation was insignificant.

而在New Bedford 我们也淘汰了将近三分之一的织布机,保留适合少量多样型的机台,而即使一切顺利,这些生产线仍不具投资效益,就产业循环而言,损失将无可避免。

Although a mistake, the Waumbec acquisition has not been a disaster. Certain portions of the operation are proving to be valuable additions to our decorator line at New Bedford, and it's possible that we may be able to run profitably on a considerably reduced scale at Manchester. However, our original rationale did not prove out.

Waumbec 虽然是个错误,但所幸并未酿成灾难,部份的产业仍对位于 New Bedford 的室内装饰品生产线有所助益,而我们也相信 Manchester 在大幅缩减营运规模之后,仍将有获利的空间,只是我们原先的理论被证明不可行。

Although a mistake, the Waumbec acquisition has not been a disaster. Certain portions of the operation are proving to be valuable additions to our decorator line at New Bedford, and it's possible that we may be able to run profitably on a considerably reduced scale at Manchester. However, ouroriginal rationale did not prove out.

Waumbec虽然是个错误,但所幸并未酿成灾难,部份的产业仍对位于New Bedford的室内装饰品生产线有所助益,而我们也相信Manchester在大幅缩减营运规模之后,仍将有获利的空间,只是我们原先的理论被证明不可行。

There is an investment postscript in our textile saga. Some investors weight book value heavily in their stock-buying decisions (as I, in my early years, did myself). And some economists and academicians believe replacement values are of considerable importance in calculating an appropriate price level for the stock market as a whole. Those of both persuasions would have received an education at the auction we held in early 1986 to dispose of our textile machinery. The equipment sold (including some disposed of in the few months prior to the auction) took up about 750,000 square feet of factory space in New Bedford and was eminently usable. It originally cost us about $13 million, including $2 million spent in 1980-84, and had a current book value of $866,000. Though no sane management would have made the investment, the equipment could have been replaced new for perhaps $30-$50 million.


During the past year we have cut back the scope of our textile business. Operations at Waumbec Mills have been terminated, reluctantly but necessarily. Some equipment was transferred to New Bedford but most has been sold, or willbe, along with real estate. Your Chairman made a costly mistake in not facing the realities of this situation sooner.

去年我们缩减在纺织业的营运规模,虽然不愿意但却不得不关闭Waumbec 工厂,除了少数设备转移至New Bedford外,其余设备连同厂房都将处份掉,我本人由于无法早日面对事实而犯了重大的错误。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
