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与 Johan 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My special thanks go to Richard Ables, Richard L. Burton III, Guillermo Castro, Charles Kolya Colt, Johan Edstrom, Jason Essington, Aaron Gallagher, Bennett Hiles, Nick Heudecker, Devin Jeanpierre, Shane Jonson, Heather Lang, Justin Lee, Joe Littlefeatherstein, Andrew Lombardi, Marzia Niccolai, Joseph Ottinger, Jeffrey Pepper, Pranav Prakash, Sverre Rabbelier, Tracy Snell, Craig Tataryn, Nestor Toro, Jason Whaley, and Grace Wong.

我特别要感谢理查德冷杉,理查德伯顿湖三,吉列卡斯特罗,查尔斯游子马驹,约翰Edstrom的,贾森埃辛顿,阿龙加拉格尔,贝内特海尔斯,尼克Heudecker,德文让皮埃尔,巴蒂尔琼森,希瑟郎,贾斯汀李乔Littlefeatherstein 安德鲁隆巴迪,马尔齐亚天极ChinaByte,约瑟夫奥廷若,杰弗里辣椒,Pranav普拉卡什,斯韦勒Rabbelier,特雷西斯内尔,克雷格Tataryn,内斯特红牛,贾森瓦莱和黄润。

Woman looks at the damaged caused on her home by the eruption of the Pacaya volcano, some 50 km (31 miles) south of Guatemala City, in Las Calderas, San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala.

FP / Getty Images / Johan Ordonez 看一个女人的损坏造成的帕卡亚火山在她家的爆发,约50公里(31英里)危地马拉危地马拉城南部,在拉斯维加斯火山口,圣维森特帕卡亚。

Men clean their home of ashes from the Pacaya volcano, some 50 km (31 miles) south of Guatemala City, in Las Calderas, San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala.

AFP / Getty Images / Johan Ordonez 男子从清洁的帕卡亚火山灰烬的家,约50公里(31英里)危地马拉危地马拉城南部,在拉斯维加斯火山口,圣维森特帕卡亚。

Here Johan Reinhard, a mountaineer and anthropologist, discovered a 500-year-old Inca human sacrifice.


And there the story might have ended but for the tireless efforts of Johan Reinhard, an independent archaeologist funded by the National Geographic Society.


Last year, when Prince Johan Friso, 35, third in line for the throne of the Netherlands, announced his engagement to Mabel Wisse Smit, 35, the head of a Brussels-based human rights organization.


Last year, when Prince Johan Friso, 35, third in line for the throne of the Netherlands11, announced his engagement to Mabel Wisse Smit, 35, the head of a Brussels-based human rights organization, his mother, Queen Beatrix, was very happy to be gaining a "lovable and talented" daughter-in-law.


Johan is the story of an intense love affair dating from 1975 and reedited in 2006 but without losing its interest or freshness. It is also a valuable document of gay life in France in the 1970s. What is now commonplace was new and intriguing at the time.


But in a new season when the Yankees can't be sure what they'll get from anyone in the rest of their starting rotation -- not the kids Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy, not the old standbys such as Mike Mussina or Andy Pettitte, who could both be gone next year -- Wang needed to hang up the same sort of gloom-chasing outing against division rival Toronto Tuesday night that Johan Santana did Monday for the Mets.


Midfielders: Osvaldo Ardiles, Ademir, Didi, Roberto Rivelino, Gerson, Falcao, Clodoaldo, Zico, Enzo Francescoli, Paul Gascoigne, Michel Platini, Lothar Matthaus (W Germany/Germany), Wolfgang Overath, Bobby Charlton, Johan Neeskens, Frank Rijkaard, Ruud Gullit, Johnny Rep, Rene van der Kerkhof, Wim Van Hanegem, Grzegorz Lato, Gheorghe Hagi, Enzo Scifo, Dragan Dzajic, Nils Liedholm, Teofilo Cubillas, Michael Laudrup, Josef Masopust, Carlos Valderrama, Junich Inamoto.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
