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Golden Age相关的网络例句

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与 Golden Age 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Matisse had often dealt with dance as a subject before, for example through the theme of the Golden Age, in one of the panels commissioned by Shchukin in 1909*, and when he was asked in 1937 to produce the ballet screen for Léonide Massine 's Rouge et Noir or Etrange farandole .

马蒂斯经常处理,舞蹈的主题之前,例如,通过黄金时代主题,在受委托休金在1909年*小组之一,当他在1937年要求生产芭蕾为莱奥尼德马西涅屏幕氏红与黑或 Etrange法朗多勒。

Showing the world's largest contemporary Chinese film library, STAR CHINESE MOVIE 2 showcases the best movies from the golden age of Hong Kong productions from the 1970s to the 1990s.


With the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933, the Forest Service entered a kind of Golden Age.


Maybe the bubbles at the end of the century were nothing more than froth after an unrepeatable Golden Age.


Ever since Tobey Maguire was bitten by a spider back in 2002, this decade has been something of a golden age for large-scale action movies featuring guys in high-tech bodysuits battling garishly costumed, ruthless criminal masterminds.

自从Tobey Maguire在2002年被蜘蛛咬了后,这十年已经成为了大手笔动作片的黄金时期。影片里的男主角大多穿着高科技的华丽紧身连体战服,变成了残忍罪犯的擒拿者。

I was twenty-one that day, in the golden age of my life.


It's our golden age, like we talked about last year.


This was the "golden age" of Israel.


It is the golden age in mankind's evolution.


It was the golden age of the novel.


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The Golden Age
The Golden Age
Golden Age Of Leather
The Golden Age Of Rock 'N' Roll
Golden Age Of Radio
Golden Age
Golden Age Of My Negative Ways
The Golden Age Of Grotesque
Golden Age
The Golden Age Of Rock 'n' Roll

In her eyes, because that is the doorway toher heart * the place where love resides.


I will send some postcards to you.


Of aesthetics and the definiteness of its content and leads to its immaturity and decline .
