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与 Felipe 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In San Felipe Pueblo, 35 miles south of Santa Fe, Christmas Eve is celebrated by a unique dance.

在圣费利佩pueblo的, 35以南180公里处的圣菲,圣诞前夕庆祝一种独特的舞蹈。

Sun Chemical has named Felipe Mellado chief marketing officer and Bradley Schrader vice president of strategy and business development.


In truth, it was not Felipe, but the Senora, who really decided all questions from greatest to least, and managed everything on the place, from the sheep-pastures to the artichoke-patch; but nobody except the Senora herself knew this.


At the start, I was in Alonso's slipstream and I thought I was safe in second place as I could not see anything in my mirrors, but then luckily, I realised that Felipe was coming alongside me very quickly, but I managed to stay ahead.


After being ignored by Luiz Felipe Scolari, Mancienne made his Chelsea debut in the FA Cup fifth-round tie away to Watford — when Hiddink had a watching brief in the stands — and did well enough to start the Barclays Premier League match against Wigan Athletic a fortnight later, in between coming on as a substitute for the final nine minutes of the first leg of the Champions League first knockout round tie against Juventus at Stamford Bridge, when he proved his versatility by playing in midfield.


Felipe Massa also deserves credit for a well-judged race which took him to third place, his first visit to the Formula One podium.


ONE way to avoid getting stuck in the mire of the Mexican tax code is to ensure that you're far away when attempts are made to change it. So while Agustín Carstens, the finance minister, was delivering to Congress on June 20th the most ambitious economic reform package of Felipe Calderón's six-month-old administration, the president himself was off in Huamantla, a small mountain town 120km (75 miles) east of Mexico City.

要想不要踏入墨西哥免税代码的泥潭,你就得保证国家在做出任何修改措施之时置身度外。6月20日,正当财政部长奥格斯汀·卡斯邓斯(Agustín Carstens)向国会提出有史以来最雄心万丈的经济改革系列方略-费利佩·卡尔德龙六月政权的改革措施,总统先生却身在墨西哥城东部120公里外的一座小山城-乌曼德拉。

So while Agustín Carstens, the finance minister, was delivering to Congress on June 20th the most ambitious economic reform package of Felipe Calderón's six-month-old administration, the president himself was off in Huamantla, a small mountain town 120km (75 miles) east of Mexico City.

卡斯邓斯(Agustín Carstens)向国会提出有史以来最雄心万丈的经济改革系列方略-费利佩?卡尔德龙六月政权的改革措施,总统先生却身在墨西哥城东部120公里外的一座小山城-乌曼德拉。

Also conceding defeat was the candidate of the New Alliance Party, Roberto Campa, who said the vote count clearly showed that Felipe Calderon had won the election.

同样承认失败的还有新联合党的Roberto Campa,他说选票结果很明显表示费利佩·卡尔德龙已经胜出。

MILAN - Felipe Scolari national coach of Portugal, during an interview with the newspaper "O Estado du San Paulo" admitted that he voted Kaka for the FIFA Player of the year Award:"I voted for Kaka and I think that he will win this award."

米兰-葡萄牙国家队教练菲力佩·斯科拉里,在接受 O Estado du San Paulo 这家报纸的采访时承认,在世界足球先生评选中,他投了卡卡一票:&我投给卡卡并认为他将获得这一殊荣。&

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
