英语人>网络例句>DR. 相关的网络例句
与 DR. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr Masicampo and Dr Baumeister suspected that students who had been asked to work hard during the video and then been given a drink without any sugar in it would be more likely to rely on intuition when making this decision than those from the other three groups.

Masicampo 和 Dr Baumeister 博士猜测在看录像过程中费力不去关注词语而且喝的柠檬汽水中不加糖的学生中,在决策过程中较其他三组更容易依赖直觉。

Methods The thickness of retinal capillary basement membrane and glomerular basement membrane and their anionic sites were quantitatively analyzed by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical methods.Results RBM and GBM became gradually thickened with the development of diabetes. The thickened basement membrane was accompanied with decrease of anionic sites in number.Conclusion DR and DN share partly the pathological process, and there are also some incoordinate phenomena in the microvascular lesion.


In an accompanying editorial [3], Dr Richard McManus and Dr Jonathan Mant write that the findings of Law and Wald will contribute to debate on the management of hypertension in several areas.

Dr Richard McManus认为Law and Wald的发现将加剧有关高血压控制的几个方面的争论。

Dr.Tom Wu holds a doctorate in naturopathy and nutrition and Dr. Janet Wu, holds doctorates in Naturopathy and psychology.


The validity of mathematical model of DR-BLDCM and calculating method of self-inductance and mutual-inductance are verified.


This suggests that mare-type volcanism must have occurred at least as early as this date, just after the first stage of lunar crust formation, say the authors, led by Dr Kentaro Terada of Hiroshima University in Japan and Dr Mahesh Anand of the UK's Open University .

研究的发起人日本广岛大学的 Kentaro Terada 博士和英国开放大学的 Dr Mahesh Anand 指出:这肯定地说明了,形成月海的火山作用起码不比这个时间更晚,就发生在月球外壳形成的第一阶段之后。

From lessons learned during WWII and the conscience reawakening of scientists, the proposition by Dr. Berminant, Dr.

由於世界大战的教训以及科学家的良知,在幕尼黑举办的会议中,由Robert Koch 之曾玄孙Dr。

Compared with standard images,bony images showed bony thorax more clearly,especially the ribs overlapped by heart and the subphrenic structures,and soft tissue images showed lung lesions more clearly.Conclusion DR energy subtraction chest films can show rib fracture and lung lesions clearly,and it is of diagnostic value for the patients of chest trauma and small lung lesions.

我院于2004年5月引进了美国GE公司生产的RevolutionTMXR/d型双板数字放射摄影系统(digital radiography,DR),该系统具有双能减影功能,对160例胸部外伤或肺部疾病患者进行了DR能量减影胸部后前位X线摄影检查,分别获得标准影像、软组织影像和骨骼影像,摄影质量好,有较大的临床应用价值。

It was found that the per centages of CD14+, HLA-DR+ and CD86+ cells and the relative intensity of fluorescence were significantly re-duced when the Mo/Mφ were treated with IVIG. Also, IVIG could inhibit the activation of the Mo/Mφ induced by GM-CSF and LPS.


Dr. S. K. Katiyar from the Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College in Kanpur, Dr.

Dr。 S。 K。 Katiya(Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memoria医学院,坎普尔)、Dr。

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Dr. Sun
Dr. Thunder
Dr. Feelgood (Love Is A Serious Business)
Dr. Strong
Dr. Shavargo Pt. 3
Dr. No
Dr. Know
Dr. Yang
Dr. Bieber
Dr. Dedoverde (Dr. Greenthumb)

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。