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与 Chalmers 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are not terms of microphysics. In fact, not a single example of an analysis of a non-microphysical term in terms of microphysics is given by either Jackson or Chalmers. The most plausible candidates for a priori analyses are ones in which analysand and analysandum involve the same "family" of terms.

首先注意到,"消化"等不是微观物理术语,事实上,根据微观物理学对非微观物理术语的分析例子,在Jackson和 Chalmers那里并没有给出;先天分析的似乎最合理的候选者是那些分析物和被分析物含有相同的术语"家族"。

Both Jackson and Chalmers, like Levine, rely on conceivability arguments to cast doubt on the hypothesis that there could be analytic definitions, in physical terms, of the expressions we use to describe our phenomenal experience.

和Levine类似,Jackson 和 Chalmers依赖于可设想论证,质疑了假说:我们用来描述现象体验的表达是能够在物理术语中分析定义的。

Check back for future contributions from the renowned philosopher of mind David Chalmers, moral philosopher Julia Driver, and epistemologist James Pryor, among others.

在下一集中,我们还将介绍著名的哲学家 David Chalmers,道德哲学家 Julia Driver以及认识论专家 James Pryor以及其他作者的作品。

I have been as guilty of this as anyone, setting aside interactionism in Chalmers (1996) partly for reasons of compatibility with physics.

我也有些问题,在Chalmers (1996)把相互作用放在一边,就部分是意味和物理学的相容。

Johan told me that there is a unversity called Chalmers whose vehicle major is at the top in Europe.

2,johan告诉过我,在瑞典有一个叫 chalmers 的大学,那所大学的汽车专业是欧洲前列。

But now we can see that even if Jackson and Chalmers' thought experiments show something about what can be extracted a priori from microphysics, they don't show any disanalogy between the concept of consciousness and the concept of water.


Levine, Jackson and Chalmers suppose that the gap between descriptions in terms of microphysics and descriptions in terms of, e.g.'water' and 'heat' is filled by conceptual analysis.

Levine, Jackson and Chalmers假设'根据微观物理的描述'和'根据诸如水、热的描述'之间的鸿沟被概念分析所闭合。

To take the "nothing but" condition to be an implicit claim of microphysics would be to build the thesis of physicalism into microphysics, which philosophers such as Jackson and Chalmers, who reject physicalism, should be reluctant to do.

要把"只有"条件作为微观物理的蕴涵,需要把物理主义主张建设到微观物理学上,而这诸如Jackson 和 Chalmers这些拒绝物理主义的哲学家,会难以做到这个。

Jackson and Chalmers argue that a priori conceptual analysis in terms of basic physics (microphysics, in the terms that Chalmers uses and we will adopt) is required for a defense of the thesis of physicalism, and for the possibility of a physicalist explanation that closes the explanatory gap.

Jackson and Chalmers认为,基于基础物理(按Chalmers的使用和我们愿意使用的,就是微观物理)的先天概念分析,必要于对物理主义主张的捍卫,也必要于用物理主义解释来闭合解释鸿沟的可能性。

Frank Jackson and David Chalmers, in contrast, want to use the conceptual analysis thesis to support the claim that there is a metaphysical gap between mental and physical; it is part of an argument for a kind of dualism, for the conclusion that the facts about consciousness do not supervene on the physical facts.

Frank Jackson和 David Chalmers相反,需要使用概念分析主张来支持这样的主张:在精神和物理之间存在形上学鸿沟;这是一类二元论论证的一部分,所支持的结论是'关于意识的事实并不附着在物理事实上'。

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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
