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Bible christians相关的网络例句

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与 Bible christians 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Christians differ with each other about the proper interpretation of the Bible. To empower one type of Christianity and disenfranchise others seems to deny the godliness or intelligence of other believers.


Bible Reading: Ephesians 3: 14 ? What do you say when you pray for other Christians?


Where some Christians want to believe in the precise inerrancy of the King James or other modern Bible, such evidence suggests that that might be inappropriate.


Its scholars in general do not believe that Harold Lindsell correctly interprets the long Christian tradition on Scripture in such works as The Battle for the Bible, when he says that until about 150 years ago Christians in general believed in the total inerrancy of Scripture.


Many Christians acknowledge that the Bible is "inerrant", that is, it contains NO errors.

很多的基督徒承认圣经是" inerrant ",即是,它包含了任何错误。

The Bible is the inerrant written Word of God, the complete revelation to mankind and absolute authority for the live of Christians and ministry of the Church.


Historically, red is the color of the Catholic Church; gold and two silver white Christians is the key to the legend of St. Peter (the "Bible" in the 12 disciples of Jesus), the symbol of heaven and earth are all the powers of pay to him; triple crown and the crown is the world's bishops with the crown.


The Age of Reason prompted Christians to interpret the Bible as strict history rather than historical myth; William Whiston was one such early scholar.


Jehovah's Witnesses are a society of Christians who promote home study of the Bible, which they hold to be the complete Word of God. They believe that God's kingdom is an actual government now ruling in heaven that will soon restore the earth to its original paradisaic condition.


Some Christians as same as a word in the Bible,"But in vain they do workship me,teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
